Slendytubbies: Danger Zone
19 days ago

Today is the day I finally create a separate GameJolt page for Slendytubbies: Danger Zone!

Some quick info:

ST:DZ is gonna be sort-of-a reimagination of Slendytubbies 3.

While it will only have the two main game modes, those being collect and survival, they are gonna get a gameplay rework, and here's a few examples on how exactly:

1) The character will now have two additional movement options, sliding and wall climbing those are, which basically means more fun and action-packed gameplay.

2) Coming from that, the maps in ST:DZ aren't gonna be like in your typical Slendytubbies fangame, but adapted to the newly-introduced mechanics!
(only as best as I can though )

Which also means there will be fewer of them, since making fun maps requires a lot of thinking, and I'm not the sharpest mind out there. I'm just a silly lil' guy.

The first public version of the game is only gonna have one map included, that beihg, you guessed it, the Teletubbyland!

Obviously, I'll need to do some special tricks to make the only one map fun and replayable. And I'm gonna leave them as a surprise. For now, at least.

There is some very special day I'm aiming for.



Next up

doing multiplayer stuff the second time feels nostalgic and sad at the same time huh. Take this two-year old TOS multiplayer testing screenshots lul

Here's some of the things I've been working on: 1) The procedurally animated stylized skybox shader I've spent months working on 2) A sneakpeek of the beach location (WIP) (tho as you probably noticed I haven't made a water shader yet)

Hi everyone, it was my birthday on 3rd. I'm sorry i forgot to make you a gift this time.

we almost did it, guys. now 29 of you need to un-download the game.

Chiaki Nanami!

Path of Kami: The Evolution of the Lore

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We're glad to announce that Baby Dino Adventures 🦖 is now available in Early Access here on GameJolt! Link: Walk, run, and jump as a baby t-rex in this cute platformer Free demo available #IndieGame | #GameDev | #PixelArt

Why walk when you can jump?