4 days ago

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Additional Cast

(7/11) - Cosmic Kaleo/Morgan Guinness

Cosmic Kaleo Bonanza

Model-P15C35 (Pisces)

Age: 22

Height: 5' 9" ft

Star Colour: Red

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Possessed by: Morgan Guinness (45)

Occupation: Head Nurse of Medical

Activates on: Mondays (Benevolent)


Lightweight - Can move a lot quicker than Cosmic Haiden so can get to incidents faster. Also smaller in order to fit into the ventilation (both real and play versions).

Parental Tracking - Can use the GE Funland's database to match kids to their respective parent.

Internal Map - Knows every place in the GE Funland, can find shortcuts and hidden rooms easily.

Voice Mimicking - Can mimic voices, often using it to distract the other spirits or comfort stressed kids.

Combat Database - Possesses armed and unarmed combat techniques.

Cosmic Haiden's husband and his partner in medical, Kaleo also reads stories to the kids and acts as a guide to those who are lost. Possesses some mysterious files linked to the old Funland location, where his half completed endoskeleton was dug up and updated to save money.


Morgan Guinness

Died at: 45

Height: 6 ft

Nationally: Black and British

Hair colour: Black

Eye colour: Brown and Hazel (central heterochromia)

Sexuality: Gay (Trans Man)

Home: Montreal, Canada

Died by: Having his neck snapped by Cosmic Lake/Luke

Relationships: Ewan Guinness (Husband), Luke Chamberlin (Surrogate Son), Carrie Chamberlin (Surrogate Daughter) and Chayanne (Friend).


Morgan was a nurse in the army where he met Ewan for the first time, they married when they returned to England before moving to Montreal.

Morgan took it upon himself to help care for Luke and Carrie when their father neglected them but alongside Ewan was forbidden to see Luke after Carrie vanished.

Losing Luke and his husband in the same year (2023) nearly broke Morgan but he persisted in order to solve his husbands last case before he was murdered. Taking the night shift at the GE Funland to find out more, unfortunately this would end with his demise. Cosmic Lake/Luke, having not recognised Morgan due to not seeing him in a long time, unalived him at the end of his third week (not realising what he had done until after Ewan attacked him in his grief and rage). Morgan was so traumatised by the event that upon possessing Cosmic Kaleo he hid himself away from the others.

While he was able to reunite with his husband he still is terrified of the others and often hides in the ventilation. Helps out the night guards via giving them items to help boost their defences, working in tandem with Ewan to try prevent anymore deaths.

Morgan loves his husband very much and they can often be found together, though Ewan tends to act as a buffer between him and the others if needed. While Morgan still cares about Luke, and has witnessed Luke's private breakdowns and sobbing fits, he can't go anywhere near him without having panic attacks. Recognises that the presences of Chayanne, and eventually Ciro, are helping ground Luke and finally turning him away from the path he seemed to be going down.

Luke fears Morgan as he remembers what Morgan did to his father Lawrence when Carrie went missing. Luke heavily regrets unaliving Morgan and wants nothing more than to hug his surrogate parent again like when he was small/alive.


Man... finished with the main cast, now onto the additional animatronics that were added to the roster. most of them by my friend @1ts_y0ur_b0y_L4k3_ , they also possess more Lore on most of these upcoming characters. So if you have questions, ask them (Sorry L4k3, but its to ensure I don't get things wrong about your OC's).

Together Again by @SirMemphisto_Heisenmorg

Cosmic Kaleo by @1ts_y0ur_b0y_L4k3_

Galaxy's Edge Au by Me.

(Did You Know?

The Cosmic Animatronics can actually eat, they don't know how but they have some organic parts that are invisible when people are doing maintenance on them but allow them to eat and drink.

The only organic parts they possess are a tongue and a bottomless stomach which means they can get energy by consuming food and drink and not depend on their charging pods.

Any other organic parts are only possessed by the adult spirits and include certain... downstairs gender anatomy.)



Next up

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Redesigns

(6/11) - Cosmic Chick the Bird/Rosario Eckstein

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Additional Cast

(8/11) - Cosmic Scout/Olivia Harrison

Together Again: Human Au - Shenanigans of Illusionary Soul Embodiments

Together again:The Magic Hour concept

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Additional Cast

(11/11) - Cosmic Oakley/Flora Sinclair

He's just teaching him to play an instrument. I don't know very well how I could relate it and the friendship he had was Chick and Lake when he was possessed.

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Additional Cast

(10/11) - Cosmic Sydney/Ciro Abadiano

Together Again: Fusion Au - First Designs

Andreas (He/They) - Fusion of Haiden and Lake

Asuras (He/She/They) - Fusion of Ashley and Lucas

Loss and and Unwanted Encounter.

I decided to do it as a sketch because I didn't feel like coloring it. I'm getting used to doing it as a storyboard, but this is a simple sketch that I must try.

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Redesigns

(5/11) - Cosmic Jon Kun Rabbit/Charles Mayhew