4 days ago

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Additional Cast

(9/11) - Cosmic Naomi/Amelia Wells/Jamie Torres

Cosmic Naomi

Model-AQUARIUS (Aquarius)

Age: 32

Height: 6' 8" ft

Star Colour: Black

Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

Possessed by: Amelia Wells (36) and Jamie Torres (19)

Occupation: Boreal Auditorium Supervisor

Activates on: Tuesdays


Combat Database - Possesses a database of armed and unarmed combat techniques.

Scent Lure - Can give off a quick puff or steady stream of soothing scents from the vents in her neck.

Internal Fog Machine - Built in fog machine that excretes dry ice based fog from her.

Ankle Wheels - Used for quicker mobility to get around the GE Funland more quickly.

Thermal Vision - Can see heat signatures.

Taser claws - Claws possess tasers

Hidden Jaw - Possesses a hidden jaw with sharp teeth and a long tongue to tie into her siren inspiration.

Sonic Screech - Can scream at a frequency that forces animatronics into reboot and stun humans.

Built to be a relaxation therapist for people suffering form overstimulation, Naomi inhabits the Boreal Auditorium, a place to unwind and relax from all the bright neon and loud sounds of the GE Funland. Like Golden Freddy (maybe, FNAF lore is... weird) Naomi is haunted by two spirits, one benevolent (Amelia) and one who is a bit more volatile and unpredictable (Jamie).


Amelia Wells

Died at: 36

Height: 5' 6" ft

Eye colour: Amber

Hair Colour: Ash Blonde

Nationality: American

Sexuality: Straight (closeted Lesbian)

Home: Montreal, Canada (previously America)

Died by: Self unalivement via poisoning

Relationships: Jamie (Surrogate Son), Ewan and Morgan (friends), the others spirits (Surrogate children) and Chayanne (also mothered by Amelia).


Amelia had always lived a decent life in America, something similar to those in movies or the shows, getting in a relationship in high school, a few teases here and there about the birth mark she had over her eye. She always had an interest in plants, deciding that she'd name her children after them when she had them.

The relationship she had was nice and peaceful, even having a daughter and raising her together and eventually when she was heavily pregnant with her second child they had moved to Montreal for a job opportunity that her husband had gotten for a Funland in the process of being built

However as she was raising her second child, a son, he husband had began to get odd to her, becoming distant, and being at work more often. By the time they had settled in and her children were in school she learned that her husband had been cheating on her.

This had caused arguments to begin, however never around her children, she'd bite her tongue to keep the peace.

After one bad argument she had decided to take careful research into more poisonous plants and make a special tea as no one had ever enjoyed it like she had.

She had drank the "remedy" after a party her children had thrown with a few friends for them making through their school year.

This was the last thing she had remembered before blacking out in her bedroom.


Jamie Torres

Died at: 19

Height: 5' 3" ft

Eye colour: Green-Blue Hazel (Blind in one eye)

Hair Colour: Blonde and Black (dyed)

Nationality: Spanish-Caribbean

Sexuality: Gay (Trans Man)

Home: Montreal, Canada

Died by: Unalived self via falling off a bridge

Relationships: Amelia (Surrogate mother)


Jamie was always sort of born into misfortune, having a family on the poorer side, his mom did most of the care towards him until she had died due to an unforeseen accident (car accident) around when he was 5 leaving him to learn to take care of himself as his father didn't particularly care all too much for him.

At some point around 12 he met two people who would become his close friends, them being the most support he had really gotten since his mother, they were also what had helped him figure out he was trans and even helped him transition. Around 15 he got emancipated, got his own apartment and got into a messy relationship which by the end of it had left him messed up. Around 16 he ended up learning he was gay and got into another worse relationship which ended up causing him to lose contact with his friends around 17 as well as ending that relationship. Desperate for money to not lose his home he ended up encountering a man who agreed to help him so long as he did a few jobs here and there.

It was only after ending a certain someone's life did he realize just how far he was being pushed for money, the guilt never left him, not even after taking his own life at the edge of a bridge.


Naomi was hard due to the fact she's possessed by two spirits... the backstories of Amelia and Jamie are from @1ts_y0ur_b0y_L4k3_ .

Together Again by @SirMemphisto_Heisenmorg

Cosmic Naomi/Jamie/Amelia by @1ts_y0ur_b0y_L4k3_

Galaxy's Edge Au by Me

(Did You Know?

Amelia pretty much sees all of the younger souls as her sort of children as well as Ewan and Morgan being close friends of hers, even Chayanne is not spared from Amelia's mothering. She doesn't mind though.

Jamie sees himself as sort of friends but also as an older brother figure for the younger spirits(especially Rosario, that's his little sister in his mind), tense around Chayanne and Luke (slight dislike for Luke, fine with Chayanne so long as he isn't bothered), slight friends with Ciro, despises Flora.

Jamie has sole access to the claws and screech they have rather than tazers (only Amelia has access to the tazers).

The jaw they have is solely for the killing, they can clamp it down like an iron maiden using a long almost frog like tongue to pull in those to do so.

Naaomi would work almost like the puppet, as in once they're out they don't go back and will rush at your office using the wheels to be quick.)



Next up

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Additional Cast

(8/11) - Cosmic Scout/Olivia Harrison

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Additional Cast

(11/11) - Cosmic Oakley/Flora Sinclair

Together Again: Fusion Au

Asuras - Tiny yet Full of Violence

Andreas - “Aww, he’s/she’s/they’re teething”

Together again:The Magic Hour concept

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Additional Cast

(10/11) - Cosmic Sydney/Ciro Abadiano

He's just teaching him to play an instrument. I don't know very well how I could relate it and the friendship he had was Chick and Lake when he was possessed.

Together Again: Fusion Au - First Designs

Andreas (He/They) - Fusion of Haiden and Lake

Asuras (He/She/They) - Fusion of Ashley and Lucas

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Redesigns

(6/11) - Cosmic Chick the Bird/Rosario Eckstein

Loss and and Unwanted Encounter.

I decided to do it as a sketch because I didn't feel like coloring it. I'm getting used to doing it as a storyboard, but this is a simple sketch that I must try.

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Redesigns

(5/11) - Cosmic Jon Kun Rabbit/Charles Mayhew