7 hours ago

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Redesigns

(4/11) - Cosmic Alex Graham Coyote/Alden Harrison

Cosmic Alex Graham Coyote

Model-5C0RP10 (Scorpio)

Age: 35

Height: 7' 6" ft

Star Colour: Yellow

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

Possessed by: Alden Harrison (16)

Occupation: Soft Play Mascot and Drummer

Activates on: Wednesdays


  • Stun Lasso - Has a lasso he can use to tie up intruders, can also be electrified for stunning capabilities

  • Night Vision (Broken)

  • Combat Database - Possesses a database of armed and unarmed combat techniques

  • Framework Shift - Can shift his framework/endoskeleton into either a bipedal or quadrupedal stance for faster movement and agility

  • Magnetic Pads - Installed in hands, knees and feet, allowing him to climb vertical surfaces.

Fast and aggressive, though not as much as Cosmic Lake, use the doors and office light to ward him off. Very protective of Cosmic Scout, who's possessed by his younger sister.


Alden Harrison

Died at: 16

Height: 5' 4" ft (Due to lack of nutrition)

Eye colour: Amber

Hair Colour: Light Brown

Nationality: Filipino-American

Sexuality: AroAce

Home: Montreal, Canada

Died by: Stabbing

Relationships: Olivia Harrison (Little Sister) and Charles Mayhew (Best Friend).


Born to an unpleasant home, ran away when his little sister got unalived and lived on the streets until he met Charles. He'd be soon unalived by a certain someone in a case of 'self defence' when he tried to get money for food to feed himself and Charles (not knowing Charles was unalived that very morning).

Alden heavily distrusts adults due to his little sisters demise and his time on the streets, though he has been able to trust a few adults his list is still very short. He's grumpy, rude and abrasive but is very kind to anyone younger than him, human or spirit.

Has a mutual respect for the adult spirits but often clashes with Luke for seemingly no other reason than to piss him off or because of their clashing personalities, its actually to help Luke vent his anger through fighting. Knows what happens when Luke loses control of his anger as he was one of the animatronics to pull him off of Carrie during that fateful incident. He provokes Luke and fights with him instead, as Cosmic Alex is the biggest and physically strongest of the animatronics, so can easily let Luke vent his rage but can overpower him easily (Luke hates that Alden is doing this but until Chayanne arrives he doesn't see another alternative to venting this unnatural anger he has other than unaliving intruders or night guards. Luckily these fights don't happen that often, if at all as Luke often shuts himself in his room if he feels himself losing control of his anger.).

Doesn't care much for Chayanne or Ciro but respects Luke's claim on them both but can see how much good the two are doing.


Together Again by @SirMemphisto_Heisenmorg

Redesign Ideas by @1ts_y0ur_b0y_L4k3_

Galaxy's Edge Au by Me

(Did You Know?

Luke’s punishments to the younger spirits are harsh but only verbally, he’s aware of how much damage he can do after the incident with Carrie. So when the others need to be punished he thinks up more creative punishments instead. He won’t be like his father, who hit him when he misbehaved, instead he’ll do other things.

Luke’s punishments to the others either involve being grounded to their rooms, forced to help the janitors clean the most disgusting parts of the GE Funland, have to babysit the kindergarteners (which often ends with them covered in various substances from glitter glue to various contents of kids stomachs), make them do things they hate (like Alden hates greeting people so Luke will punish him by making him greet people at the front desk instead of Scout) or ask them to take orders and serve guests their food and drinks. Usually the human waiting staff do this but if you see an animatronic doing it they’re being punished for bad behaviour, overstepping their boundaries or the rules Luke laid down.

Though he lets the others think he’ll be harsh to keep up appearances (he hates it but the mask has been there for so long it’s become like a second skin and he can’t get out of it) and will instead suggest these “lighter punishments” as if the older spirits have convinced him not to be too harsh with the younger ones.

Though Ciro eventually figures out Luke’s true intentions and calls him out on it.)



Next up

Demon!Haiden’s behaviour is a mix of human, owl, bear and oddly enough that of a cats.

While he’s only cat levels of asshole around people he doesn’t like, there are certain other cat like behaviours he indulges in.

Lucas is not amused.

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Redesigns

(1/11) - Cosmic Lake Wagner/Luke Chamberlin

(*cracks my neck, looking exhausted but satisfied* Aight, after much trial and error and adjustment, I can finally call the redesigns done.)

In the hype for both Pokémon Legends Z-A and The Magic Hour coming out this year, I thought it would be funny to make a Crossover/Au with Haiden as Xerneas and Lake as Yveltal.

(Had to adjust the image to fit the size limit of Gamejolt.)

A much needed update (Read)

Community Whiteboard Shenanigans part 2

Warning: Lots of horror elements in the second, third and fourth drawings, this is a horror fandom after all.

Loss and and Unwanted Encounter.

I decided to do it as a sketch because I didn't feel like coloring it. I'm getting used to doing it as a storyboard, but this is a simple sketch that I must try.

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Redesigns

(3/11) - Cosmic Alice Wagner/Carrie Chamberlin

“After the Fire (Lake + Haiden) Au”

Sleeping Arrangements

Happy International Women's Day with the Gals!

You know that Au I created with a lot of help from @1ts_y0ur_b0y_L4k3_ ?

“After the Fire”?

Well… I made one where both Haiden and Lake became demons, Lake shielding Haiden from the Funland exploding.

Warning: Mentions of Cannibalism, Gore and Death.