3 days ago

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge - MC

(12/12) - Chayanne Umbra Sterre

Chayanne Umbra Sterre

Age: 25

Height: 5' 10" ft (she got the short genes from her mother)

Eye Colour: Blue

Hair Colour: Brown

Nationally: British

Zodiac Sign: Taurus (Born April 25th)

Sexuality: Panromantic Demisexual (Attracted to any gender but only feels love for those she has a close emotional bond with)

Home: Montreal, Canada (previously a small seaside village near Plymouth, England)

Relationships: Luke Chamberlin (1st Lover), Ciro Abadiano (2nd Lover), Faust Sterre (Father), Nova Sterre (Mother), Orion Sterre (Elder Brother), Ewan Guinness (Friend) and Morgan Guinness (Friend)


Chayanne was born in England during the new Millennium and lived in a small seaside village on the coast of Devon, near Plymouth, until her family moved to Montreal when she was 14-15 after her father, a lawyer, received a higher paying job offer there. She had a hard time adjusting until she met Luke in high school, who she thought looked lonely so approached him despite multiple warnings that he apparently was a loner.

They became best friends as she discovered that Luke was just lonely and weighed down by the unrealistic expectations of his neglectful father. Who she coined as someone untrustworthy by his vibes alone. She and Luke would eventually date and because both of them were Autistic (with Chayanne having ADHD and Anxiety) they never realised it due to 'not feeling the things society said they would feel when dating/in love'.

It was only after Luke was gone did Chayanne realise she loved him and it took her a long time to come to terms with it. Since leaving university with an art degree she became slightly despondent when she kept getting rejected from jobs, until she stumbled across the one for Night Guard at the Galaxy's Edge Funland. Chayanne never liked the place as it was too flashy and loud but a job was a job as she had bills to pay.

She quickly learned that the GE Funland was more dangerous than she knew, luckily she had help but unluckily she attracted the interest of the main mascot, Cosmic Lake. It took a while for her to figure out that the animatronic was possessed and even longer for her to realise it was her old lover who she thought was gone. Luke got too overzealous in their initial reunion and scared her half to death, forcing her to taze him and escape the office.

Luckily, the two eventually reunited with minimal bloodshed and have given their relationship another shot. Though it came with a whole list of new problems and not just those of dating an animatronic; Luke was clingy with her but seemed to dislike anyone who so much as looked at her, he also seemed different, angrier, but he never laid a finger on her or lost his temper with her. Chayanne was like a soothing balm to the unnatural rage and hatred Luke felt. Eventually Chayanne would be promoted to Cosmic Lake's handler as she would be the only one who could get close to him without suffering one or two broken bones. Though Luke still got possessive of her when he saw people he didn't know or recognise in her space, though over time he just became indifferent.

With help from Ewan, Morgan and a certain janitor named Ciro, Chayanne and Luke were able to recover from their respective traumas and extend help to the others. Chayanne even fell in love with Ciro but was concerned about how Luke would react, Luke admitted that he also liked Ciro and the two talked it over with them. Eventually becoming a throuple together and when they started digging into the truth behind the GE Funland and the Cosmic Animatronics, someone decided that she had dug too deep and Ciro paid the price for it. Even with Ciro now possessing Sydney they never gave up and were able to catch the true culprit behind this mess.

Chayanne is kind, loyal, creative, quirky, quiet and empathic. She hates seeing people suffering around her and will often drive herself into sickness to try heal their hurts. She loved physical affection, like hugs, head scratches and rubs, but because she can't read certain social cues very well she has no idea if its appropriate or not. She doesn't deal well with stress and responds with the 'fight or flight' instinct because she's so overwhelmed that she doesn't know what to do first. Though if she has the tools on hand she reveals herself to have a chaotic streak a mile wide and a drive to survive.

She was attracted to Luke not because of his talents or wealth (despite everything Luke's family is very rich) but because of his personality, she of course didn't recognise this attraction at first. When she fell for Ciro, by way of his kindness, she knew what to look for and while concerned she was technically cheating on Luke she voiced her concerns (good communication is key to a healthy relationship) and found out that Luke like Ciro also.

She goes non verbal when she has no idea what to say or if its because she's bored, one of the two. Using a multitude of trills, squeaks, hums and chirps in differing tones, pitches and combinations to express what she's feeling. Both Luke and Ciro had to learn this language through trial and error and can usually tell what she's thinking 95% of the time.

Luke made her the rose quartz bracelet she wears, in accordance with her zodiac sign of Taurus and her hatred of rings or necklaces, supposedly symbolising their everlasting love. He never got the chance to give it to her before his depression came back with a vengeance and he ended up spiralling for some unexplained reason (the Demon influenced him in order to collect on a payment it was owed). Chayanne herself was going to invite him to a theatre the day after that fateful night, having saved up for the tickets. Luke retrieved the bracelet as soon as he could and hid it under his scarf as Cosmic Lake, no one was allowed to touch it on pain of pain, with even technicians having to use long sticks to nudge it out the way otherwise Cosmic Lake would end up attacking them.

Luke would finally gift the bracelet to Chayanne after their reunion, a fitting substitute for a marriage proposal or a wedding ring... don't you think?


Remembered that I needed to make a 'poster' for Chayanne as well. All these posters enable me to remember what the characters look like as well as where the colours would go, sort of like a colour swatch. The reason why, you may ask? Long story short, my memory is terrible...

Together Again by @SirMemphisto_Heisenmorg

Galaxy's Edge Au and Chayanne (OC) by Me

(Did you know?

The Galaxy's Edge Au was initially inspired by Star Wars, the names of the six spirits that possess the original six animatronics are scrambled versions of the characters and actors who starred in the various Films, Cartoons and TV Series.

Luke Chamberlin - Luke Skywalker

Carrie Chamberlin - Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia)

Ewan Guinness - Ewan MacGregor and Alec Guinness (Obi-Wan)

Rosario Eckstein - Rosario Dawson and Ashley Eckstein (Ahsoka)

Alden Harrison - Alden Ehrenreich and Harrison Ford (Han Solo)

Charles Mayhew - Peter Mayhew and the name Charles sounded close to Chewbacca.)



Next up

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Additional Cast

(8/11) - Cosmic Scout/Olivia Harrison

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Additional Cast

(10/11) - Cosmic Sydney/Ciro Abadiano

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Redesigns

(6/11) - Cosmic Chick the Bird/Rosario Eckstein

Together again:The Magic Hour concept

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Additional Cast

(11/11) - Cosmic Oakley/Flora Sinclair

He's just teaching him to play an instrument. I don't know very well how I could relate it and the friendship he had was Chick and Lake when he was possessed.

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Additional Cast

(9/11) - Cosmic Naomi/Amelia Wells/Jamie Torres

Together Again: Galaxy's Edge Au - Redesigns

(5/11) - Cosmic Jon Kun Rabbit/Charles Mayhew

Loss and and Unwanted Encounter.

I decided to do it as a sketch because I didn't feel like coloring it. I'm getting used to doing it as a storyboard, but this is a simple sketch that I must try.

Together Again: Fusion Au

Asuras - Tiny yet Full of Violence

Andreas - “Aww, he’s/she’s/they’re teething”