Decided to try my hand at my own Human TAALFS Au, starting off with some light-hearted moments from Lucas' Soul Embodiments. Also drew them from memory because I had no WIFI at the time so couldn't look up reference images...
Serena's enthusiasm for violence often gets her into trouble, it doesn't help that one of her favourite methods of attacking is detaching her head to throw at people. While Lucas is exasperated he admits it's a good way to disorientate the enemy while the others get in close for melee attacks.
Rory may have once been human but now her mannerisms are more like a cats, she often disregards her size and will happily sit on people she likes. Though this leads to the respective target being squished, the "victim" this time is Haiden.
Apart from Rory and Kuro, June is the biggest of the Soul Embodiments and doesn't mind if people ride on her back. Lucas and Ashley often take advantage of this to have adventures together and since June can teleport (like the Zouwu from Fantastic Beasts) they're always back at curfew and can enjoy their adventure to the fullest.
Lucas works part time as a janitor for some extra pocket money, Cinnamon usually helps him out by using their prehensile wires to lift him to the hard to reach spots. (Note: Yes, that is Lake in the background, he looks different because this is my version of him in a Human Au.)
Kuro loves music, Lucas will often get him various discs and tapes to listen to and dance along. The song playing wasn't released until 2003 but it's just there because that's what I was listening to at the time of drawing this...
Fern's fire is somehow able to burn like actual fire, its not just there for show. Of course, Ashley and Lucas take advantage of this one day to make s'mores.
Mikhail has a habit of getting into things he has no business of getting into, nor any possible way of even getting into them in the first place. Here, he's manages to fit himself inside a rubbish bin (don't judge but I'm British and that's what we call them over here) while Haiden is pondering the impossibility of a giant rat thing squeezing themselves into this small of a receptacle. He just concludes that since the Soul Embodiments are semi-solid, their forms have a certain flexibility.
Yes, I'm making my own Human Au, designs coming soon-ish...
Together Again by @SirMemphisto_Heisenmorg
CatNap, Yarnaby and Pianosaurus - Poppy Playtime
Grim Foxy and Golden Freddy - FNAF
Percy Poodle - Playtime with Percy
Monster RAT - FNAC 3
Lucas (OC) and Au by Me