24 days ago




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Birthday Retro

[Render made by me In Blender 4.1]

Models by:https://twitter.com/VibaPop

¡Hope You Like It!

Just finished Both Doom 3 and the DLC and i Love it so i did this funny spanish random tierlist of the demons of the game genuinely a realy good horror videogame you should check it out and is only made by 14 people crazy and in 2004 so yeah cool game

Probably gonna get them for my birthday [which is coming in two weeks i have plans prepared for that you will see soon stay tuned] like they look so good and unique and pretty cheap for 15 models that they are so well made anyways see you on the Flipside!


Here are several alternative color palettes for my Vanny pixelart, as putting them all in one post is quite tiring, I put them all in one gif.

Holy shit modded Doom 3 is one of the scariest things i played in my life so cool definitely gonna continue it tomorrow.

long night

3 days left...

Where Is Fangame Direct 2?

this is how they look ingame again just nightmare fuel and the sound they made is so disgusting and the animation oh god.