Kevin & Friends - Video Game: Tri-Stars

1 year ago

Tri-Stars has been released, as a video game compilation and another game to celebrate the Ages Team's 6th Anniversary, which includes the first 2 K&F games all in one single build.

My team also implemented the all-new save file system. Copying and pasting codes is no more.

If you are familiar with this already, and if you're a previous enjoyer of K&F games, then this game is for you, as this brings back the nostalgia memories of old games.

I hope you enjoy this game, and if you play both games, then I can guarantee that it feels adventurous.

Happy gaming, everyone.



Next up

Ever since I’ve been hearing that there was a new fandom going around, I started to look for it.

I found it and…wow, in just one single freaking month, a whole fandom was born.

Just wow, a total shocker.

So, remember I once announced this here?

Well, I hate to say that I have to cancel it. Reason for this is due to the huge negative backlash from the Gandi IDE community.

But its resources will be used on Heaven Saga from the poll on my Discord server.

codebombs go brrrrrrrrrrrr

A major update has been published for this compilation, and yet, we made another Gandi transfer from TurboWarp. (I'm surprised that Cocrea can handle a 100 MB project )

Onix (left) Knox (right) Mio/Tails (middle)

To start off with something more normal, I’ll just go ahead and share some leaks for SPZ’s new level textures, something that AT has been working on for a couple of hours.

It’s , ngl.

Nice to see the amount of likes I have had been all filled with my favorite number.

(Or favorite number from my childhood, in case if you become skeptical about it).

Here it comes Sharky, the fastest Sharkan Jester!

Wow, not a single downvote on this.

People just are absolutely addicted to FNAF, aren't they?