1 year ago


For some reason I can imagine that due to octo’s autism and childish nature girl and boy would mistake them for a kid but would keep Octo around due to them clearly needing support and needing a sort of parental figure in theyre life (which would be provided by girl probably) and someone who could be a brother figure(like boy)

Basically due to Octo being dumb af they need a surport system



Next up

Some bliss doodles cause why not

Hate me if you want but I hate Fnf soft mod

Gf doodles cause I love her

new persona you guys!!?!?!?!


Gf doodle


Fnf nene fanart

i was gonna doodle random shit but them I started rendering this and I like it

also fnf update was sick asf I love the new results screen

Fnf doodles I made on Snapchat cause I got bored and downloaded it on my iPad

Ahyug Elly art + lore

I only learned this week that the age of consent in the uk is 16 years old and I wanna know who decided this

Like I always thought it was 18 cause that’s when your legally an adult