3 days ago

uhhhh happy last day of gay month

love yourself for who you are!!

be gay….,.. do crime…,.,,



Next up

call me homie.....

meet the first boss of the game

i’m giving you all the opportunity to name him because i’m too lazy to come up with one

the game’s current state right now is mainly concepts and bringing new people onto the project, so there won’t be a public demo for a while, only ones for playtesters. and an application form WILL be open soon, so keep and eye out for when that shows up.

Idk I just really like this guy

Some Kirby doodles made with markers!

GUH!!!! rambley raccoon gets hit with the TRANS RAY!!!!!!! happy pride month guys


Oh hey look it's @GemOnGJ ! :3 My first submission to Art Fight!