UNDERBOARD, a side-project has been released!
It's available on Windows/Browser right now.
UNDERBOARD, not to be confused with Undertale MULTIPLAYER, is an interactive "social media" game.

As explained before, Underboard was my side-project when I was on my break. Now that it's released, I'm fully back to creating UTMP!
I didn't want to leave you empty-handed, so I have created this little project which you might enjoy once in a while.
Explore Posts

All the community made posts are the heart of Underboard.
Upvote them or comment to show your love!
Create Your Own

Want to make your posts more fun? Add images, creative descriptions, use different themes or reactions!
All these features are waiting for you inside of the game.
Wanna be Fancy?

Visit the shop! The offers change throughout the week so make sure to visit it daily and don't miss out on sales.
How 2 Get Rich?

It's simple! Create posts that people like! For every upvote you will earn 1 coin. Be funny = richness.
But most importantly, be yourself.

Create any kind of character that you feel comfortable as!
There is a lot of options to choose from, and even more to come.
Oh, and don't forget to pet the dog.

We really hope you enjoy this silly little project! 2024 is nearby, and we are all ready and excited to get back to work and finally finish UTMP!
From now on, no more months of silence. We will try to provide updates as often as we can to keep you updated on everything we're doing.
In other news, I, Amolio, have recently opened a Buy Me a Coffee. If anyone is interested in supporting us beyond charged stickers here on GameJolt, that's the place to go:
My plan is to share this money with my amazing team, who absolutely deserve it.
The Team Behind UNDERBOARD
Sprites: @kikioviolet229 , @Napstalone
, @Nikolathecatboi and @sharkuu
Music: @EchelGamer and @/Lamp
Without these guys, this project and UTMP would not be possible, and huge thanks to all the testers!