Update 1.1.0 is out RIGHT NOW!
This is the first, and most likely last big update to UNDERBOARD.
We will keep the game updated once in a while, but there will never be another big update like this, remember! Underboard was meant to be a small project made during my break.

Annoying dog messed up, and YOU gotta help 'em out.
Donate coins to help Annoying Dog fix the CHAT so everyone can use it!

The event is available in the game RIGHT NOW.
Thank you for providing feedback! I've mostly tweaked already existing features to make them more comfortable to use, since there wasn't many bugs.
All cooldowns have been greatly reduced.
Added Manual/Automatic modes to make writing descriptions for posts easier.
Possibly fixed issue with not getting daily coins.
Filters are now kept until you manually reset them.
Updated the game logo.
You can now refresh comments while viewing a post by pressing [R].
Game should be playable on the GameJolt Client now.
Full change-log can be found on our Discord server!
Post-release feedback
I was positively surprised with how well UNDERBOARD was perceived! Thank you for all the heartwarming comments/posts/messages.
This was really unexpected since for me, this is a tiny-small project that I really did for fun during my break, I love to see how much fun people are having. Can't wait for all of you to see Undertale MULTIPLAYER, you'll love it even more!
Yep! The possibly-final-big-update is adding the global chat, but first you gotta help the dog fix it!
Why final, you may ask. As stated many times, Underboard was made during my break, I never intended updating it beyond the features I planned.
...At least for now! Underboard, in some way or form, will for sure get added into UTMP at some point! How can I waste something that so many people loved from the start?