It has been a full YEAR since the last update! It would be a shame to wait any longer, so let's go ahead and get into it right now!
Transition from MV to MZ
Utilization of plugins by VisuStella and ZainWD (so far)
Made a bit of the title screen
Prologue cutscene finished
Training/Tutorial cutscene ~5% finished
Set basic stats for characters. Will elaborate on them some more as I continue.
Four original songs completed
Parallax bacground while the title theme plays. It's a basic menu.
From the time you hit New Game to the time you're allowed to fully walk around and explore certain areas. This cutscene is complete!
This is more like a few different cutscenes, but practically the same scene. You get trained by the mentor of the series here.
Different characters have different strengths and weaknesses, same with their magic types (might carry the logic from this over to Adrenic Legends: Adventure tbh) For instance, my character is pretty quick and can pack a decent punch, while Taber is slower but has a lot more force behind his hits. Kieran isn't the best with physical attacks, but being the direct apprentice of the series mentor for a few years, his magic abilities are creative and powerful.