New version released!
Jurassic defense map is back!
You can now customize the number of waves (Wave Survival)
Medic pack cooldown time increased (Wave Survival)
There is no speed or sprint restriction anymore (Wave Survival)
More maps available (Wave Survival)
Improved shop sign (Wave survival)
Buildings give gold and score on destroy
There are no more free weapons, only M4 and MP5
Your team has now funds and can use superweapons against the enemy
Bosses doesn’t regen all life on level up
Allies don’t target enemy buildings on Survival and Wave survival
Changed boss’ spawn position on Abandoned Warehouse (Defense mode)
Zombies speed increased (Death by Nightfall map)
Added max time survived in Survival game mode to stats
Fixed shops in Underground Terror map (Wave Survival)
Fixed bullet effects of turrets
Fixed stats increments
Fixed stats’ name on main menu
Fixed fire’s light effects on Death by Nightfall map
Fixed weapons’ sound effects priority
Fixed a rare bug that lead the game to a defeat at the start in several maps
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