Star Story
9 years ago

Update 15.09.02

Well, it’s time for my monthly update.


A note for Mac users

I can currently confirm the game works in Yosemite. I am developing this game on a Mac (the Windows build is basically a port), so I can test everything out to work perfectly on mac always!



It is reported to me that as of the upcoming version of OS X (El Capitan) all support for earlier OS X versions (mostly all versions prior to Mavericks, meaing Mountain Lion and older) will be dropped for compilers. This means the game may in the future require Mavericks (OS X 10.9) or later to run. This is a decission made by Apple, so if you don’t like this go shout to them, and not to me, okay.
For Windows no reports of similar fashion are done, so no notes there either


First dungeon and boss nearly done

I see you wonder. All that work for only ONE dungeon.
The first dungeon is always a hi-crapload of work, also because I also had to implement the battle routine at the same time. All that crap is out of the way now (almost), so I can basically get onto the stuff that’s fun part now.
The completion of the first dungeon is and has always been (and will always be) the most important milestone in the production of an RPG for me. Then all the basics are done that I can benefit from for the rest of the game meaning I then I only have to worry about new dungeons, new scenario, new enemies, new bosses, cut short THE FUN PART!


Open Alpha

Once the first dungeon has been completed I will also officially open the Alpha builds. Whoever can’t wait and is not afraid to play an unfinished game can then try stuff out. A few notes on that are in order. First of all, the alpha version’s installation procedure is not for people who do not know how computers work toroughly. If you are man enough to try an unfinished game, I take it you are man enough to handle DOS prompt commands (or Unix prompt commands if you are on Mac). I do have an issue tracker on GitHub. Once the Alpha is officially open I shall announce it here, and link to the page where you can get further instructions.

The Alpha is open to anybody, but if you’d rather play a stable game, I’d wait for the first official demo. :)

So far this update. I’ll beam myself back to my IDE and get to work. See you later ;)



Next up

Disney Princesses go to Hogwarts

Technobabble and a screenshot for #screenshotsaturday

Alpha status

Celebrities (almost) killed by one of their biggest fans

Update for Star Story and a little announcement for Star Story II.

BallPlay future

Open alpha available on

Meet Berindo Yorno

Beta has been released

A demonstration video of the new game the way it's now