Star Story

8 years ago

Update 16.07.14

First of all, I wish all the french people reading this a happy Fête National. Liberté, egalité, fraternité!
Not that I’m French myself, but last time I was a France during quatorze juillet, I celebrated the party with you.

Anyway, that is all off-topic, let’s get to the real stuff shall we.


At this moment the game is getting to the final stage of production. I am now developing the final dungeon. Below is the list I presented in my last update, let’s scratch that which has been done, shall we?

  1. The last dungeon prior to the final dungeon of the game is now completely finished.

  2. I am now working on the “Sewers”. This is an optional dungeon and also a bit of a parody to zombie movies where zombies come to be due to some experiments of a mad scientist. Hey, this game is references to scifi after all. ;)

  3. After the Sewers I will work on a small sidequest on the planet of Volcania.

  4. Then the works on the final dungeon will begin at last. This will very likely be the largest dungeon of the game, BUT it’s set up that way you don’t have to do parts you’ve already done twice (unless you WANT to do this for grinding purposes or trying to find some missed secrets).

  5. Oh yeah, In this place a secret character joins you, but I will reveal nothing about him/her. That that would be a mega spoiler, y’know.

  6. Before setting up the final boss, I will first set up the last optional dungeon “The Mines of Airom”. This dungeon only becomes available to the player if Crystal found all her ARMS, and here in these mines you can find her final ARM.

  7. Then I will set up the “Black Hole Dweller”. The Ultimate Boss. It’s an optional boss and the strongest boss in the game. Can only be defeated if you really worked things out. It’s a boss for the real no-life-guys out there.

  8. Not noted in my previous list is the “Sisters in all but blood” ability. A special move for Wendicka, which she can only use if Crystal is on the front line (and not knocked out or otherwise disabled).

  9. Then the final boss will be developed. I said it before, this will be the hardest challenge I’ve ever faced in game development, and I hope my (ambitious) plans will work out in the game. We’ll see.

  10. After that I’ll have to set up the chains for the New Game+.

  11. When that is all done, I need to make sure that all issues with the milestone “Beta” are fixed or resolved.

  12. And then the game can be open for beta testing. If you are interested in beta testing, lemme know, and I’ll give you access to the early beta releases of the game. It should go without saying, but a little secrecy is desired if you beta test. We don’t want too many spoilers leaked before the game is even out.

  13. During the beta period I must make sure that all issues marked “Full Launch in the issue tracker (and that includes the ones beta-testers give me in this process, so that list may get longer over time), are fixed.

  14. And once all that is done, the first full stable release can be prepared.


That doesn’t seem much, eh? Well I can tell ya, this is the result of working night and day. Most people doing as much work as I do now get paid for it. :-P
The final dungeon required some game script that was unique to it. Well that stuff has now been written, and it seems the bugs in that are fixed now too. Woohoo.
This means the work can continue now in a much faster speed.


Well, and then I must thank 1-Up Nuke who tested out the (currently unfinished) game, and made me aware of some bugs and other odd things that I never knew about.

You can be a tester too and be helpful in the production process. You may in this process also see the ‘secret’ stuff, before anybody else has seen it…. (wow, sneaky).

Basically, all I need from you is, your ability to tolerate the fact the game’s still unfinished and therefore a bit buggy, and you need a GitHub account so you can use my issue tracker. (Hey, psst… this works exactly the same as the issue tracker Game Jolt uses). :-P


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