Star Story
8 years ago

Update 16.07.27

Hi folks….

Man, what a world we live in. Did I congratulate the French on their national day in on of my previous updates, and then something awful happens in Nice. A horribly gone wrong coup in Turkey (I’m not taking party for anybody. I’m just speaking of the number of people killed in there). Then three lethal incidents in Germany and now the cool-blooded murder of a priest in France.

Let’s not hate people for this, folks. We all know that it’s only a small group of fools doing this and that they don’t represent any religion or populations. They only represent their own stupidity. Unfortunately these guys dominate the news. Are you able to look beyond what you are told? Good! If everybody can do so, things might go better.

Well, let’s get onto the update and try to think about something positive.

The stuff scratched off my list in my previous mail has been removed, and let’s scratch what has been done in the past few weeks.

  1. Then the works on the final dungeon will begin at last. This will very likely be the largest dungeon of the game, BUT it’s set up that way you don’t have to do parts you’ve already done twice (unless you WANT to do this for grinding purposes or trying to find some missed secrets).

  2. Oh yeah, In this place a secret character joins you, but I will reveal nothing about him/her. That that would be a mega spoiler, y’know.

  3. Before setting up the final boss, I will first set up the last optional dungeon “The Mines of Airom”. This dungeon only becomes available to the player if Crystal found all her ARMS, and here in these mines you can find her final ARM.

  4. Then I will set up the “Black Hole Dweller”. The Ultimate Boss. It’s an optional boss and the strongest boss in the game. Can only be defeated if you really worked things out. It’s a boss for the real no-life-guys out there.

  5. Not noted in my previous list is the “Sisters in all but blood” ability. A special move for Wendicka, which she can only use if Crystal is on the front line (and not knocked out or otherwise disabled).

  6. Then the final boss will be developed. I said it before, this will be the hardest challenge I’ve ever faced in game development, and I hope my (ambitious) plans will work out in the game. We’ll see.

  7. After that I’ll have to set up the chains for the New Game+.

  8. When that is all done, I need to make sure that all issues with the milestone “Beta” are fixed or resolved.

  9. And then the game can be open for beta testing. If you are interested in beta testing, lemme know, and I’ll give you access to the early beta releases of the game. It should go without saying, but a little secrecy is desired if you beta test. We don’t want too many spoilers leaked before the game is even out.

  10. During the beta period I must make sure that all issues marked “Full Launch in the issue tracker (and that includes the ones beta-testers give me in this process, so that list may get longer over time), are fixed.

  11. And once all that is done, the first full stable release can be prepared.


Early Access

The game is now in “closed alpha”. Once the final boss is done I can covert this game to “closed beta”. The open beta will only begin once all these issues are taken care off.

You can help me during these closed alpha/beta sessions.

  • Do you like RPG?

  • Do you have a GitHub account and do you know how to use its issue tracker?

  • Can you describe in full detail what woes you find in the game?

Great. Just leave me a note, either under this news post, or throw me a PM. You can also throw me a ticket on my own website (although that site is in Dutch, I expect you find the contact system easily).

It is a volunteer job, but honor to whom honor is due. That’s my motto. I will credit everybody who contributed to my games in any way. And I might even put a link to one of your games on my website. ;)

Of course it goes without saying, but a bit of secrecy is required for this job. We don’t want the story with all its spoilers exposed before the game is even out, do we?




Next up

Beta has been released

A demonstration video of the new game the way it's now

Celebrities (almost) killed by one of their biggest fans


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Update for Star Story and a little announcement for Star Story II.

Just a random screenshot of the upcoming remake! I hope you like it #starstory #remake #rpg #freegame

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