10 years ago

Update coming!

Hey folks!

First of all, thank you a lot for all your feedback! I actually thought that this gonna be a short 2 weeks project, but now I will extend it. Simply because of all the feedback I got :)

I got pretty lucky, because some youtubers covered my game and that was a great source of feedback! It’s like you’re seeing live how people play your game and where your game design is broken. I made a playlist with all videos I’ve found, so you can watch it here.

After watching all this videos and some honest critics from different sources I recognized some design flaws and other problems. Thats why I am hardcore iterating the game design right now.

Even some people got the message & feeling I wanted to transfer, it’s not exactly how I wanted it. I think the game is overall a bit to unclear. I wanted enough room for the player to interpret the events, but I think I gave them to much room. So they got lost.

The storyline needs rework and there are also some bugs that I need to fix.
I am also extending the content, because I think a bit more content with a clearer storyline, will attach the player more to the situation.

I hope you stay tuned ;)



Next up

Updated the chest in the maze, adding sound, particles and better animation. But what's in the chest?

Just a Pico sprite

Sometimes the suction cup get sticky. Small animation I made in Blender after doing my tutorial on picking up/dropping objects in animations. Crate model by jQueary (…).

I worked so hard to get all four of them to the end safely, but then...

A few screenshots of the places you'll cross in the Demo of Blu. You can play it today on #gamejolt !

Sonic and Shadow as Pokémons. #Fakemon

Distrust - HUMERUS (with dirty shade) Papyrus isn`t small. It's possible that I didn't draw him well, but he crouched down and bent towards us. I'm still bad at moments like this

Our Japanese themed game released yesterday on Gamejolt + Itch io if anyone would like to check it out! :) You play as a spirit of a japanese wolf.

Hi everyone! For screenshot saturday we showed some some new sfx sounds. Check it out [Sound On] :)