Final Hours Collection
2 years ago


For Hours Of Frights book 1: The Return

Hey everyone!

The Return may take us a lot longer for us to work on. But DON'T WORRY we'll try and get the book out by September or October, if not, we'll release it soon. With me working on my other series of my own and working on The Return at the same time is creating stress for me. So Springlocked Studios said that we should just take our time on the book and release it when it gets done.

We will also give updates, news, and more announcements when The Return comes out.

Thanks for understanding! Hope this will help!



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Next up

Hours Of Frights Art #2: The Broken, Lost 'N Found, and In The Shadows

Final Hours: Hours Of Frights book 5 Cover Concept

Made by: @BradTV (Me) and @SpringlockedStudios_Official

Series Inspired by Fazbear Frights!

Final Hours: Hours Of Frights book 1 Cover Concept!

Made by: @BradTV (Me) and @SpringlockedStudios_Official

Series Inspired by Fazbear Frights!


#fnaf #fangame

Hours Of Frights Art #1: The Return, Lost Memories, and The Broken Strings

Announcing the Lost In Isolation FNaF Game Jam

The GameJam Starts Friday (submit games below)

Join The Discord For Updates

Hosted by @PlentyXD

Help from @hunterallen_ and me

Art by @Funkilicous and Yellw.00f

Final Hours: Hours Of Frights book 3 Cover Concept

Made By: @BradTV (Me) and @SpringlockedStudios_Official

Series Inspired by Fazbear Frights!

Hours Of Frights 1 sneak peek

*Pages may change when the book is FULLY RELEASED!*


Final Hours Art #3

Made by: @BradTV (Me) and help by: @SpringlockedStudios_Official