Barnaby's Arcade

1 year ago


So far I have finished most of the camera functions and have remade the doors this is why. Reason 1: The doors were ugly they were literally grey slabs I guess. Reason 2: The right door animation was not working properly which was really annoying and was bugging me a lot.



Next up

Barnaby's Arcade is a part of the first annual SFGD!(scratch fnaf fangame direct)

If you have seen my last post about Barnaby's Arcade you should know that I had lost my original scratch account

So now I am rebuilding Barnaby's Arcade from the ground up. Here is the menu :)


drew on my pc for the first time :3

office W.I.P


i guess tails is already posed up

That's What I Do! (Baldi's Basics Animation)

Barnaby animatronic

How Is The New Redesign For The Fnaf Scratch Commuity?

Bon drawing :)