howdy. This update may come as a disappointment to some but I will be transparent about what is going on.
I have to announce that the game will definitely not be finished by October, but I am going to try my absolute HARDEST to get a 2 night demo out. no promises however.
Remember that job opportunity a few posts ago? That now starts at the end of this month. a mere 20 days left as we speak. A job that will require me to move across the country for training, and then to move again to work almost 6 days a week if not more. this leaves not a lot of time to develop the game, let alone make any teasers.
I also do not want to rush this project as it has become a very close thing to me and Id rather not release something not up to par (we don't want a cyberpunk situation do we?).
I wont lie, having to accept leaving my hometown and family for this job has left me in such a funk mentally. so much so I have been prioritizing time with my friends and family more than I have been developing the game.
I cannot promise a definitive release date quite yet, but what I can say this project will NOT be cancelled. It WILL eventually see the light of day. Its just going to take more time than I had thought.
on a more positive note, This game page has reached 25 followers, which is AMAZING!! I never thought the page would receive any attention let alone 25 of yall and I'm really appreciative of the support! Thank you SO SO MUCH!
There are about 3 or 4 more teasers in the oven right now along with a trailer. I aim to have these released as soon as they're ready. As always I am available to clarify any questions or concerns you guys may have in the comments section and I hope you have a great September! its almost spooky season!