
3 years ago

Update v0.1.5

Sorry for taking so long. Again.

What's New

  • Doughnut Prop

  • New Textures and Materials.

  • Prop Location reveal Particle.

  • Light refracting rain particles.

  • Shotgun has Sight support.

What's Changed

  • Weather in Summer Cabin changed to rainy.

  • Snow Particles.

  • Ammo Addition upon a kill

    1. 30 for Pistol/SMG and Rifle

    2. 7 for Shotgun

    3. 2 for Launchers

  • Weapon skin applies at startup.

  • Map Image shows up on Hunter's blinding widget.

  • Graphics option menu changed.


  • Prop Location ping synchronization

  • Audio Effects fixes (Reverb, Ambient volume reduced when entering buildings e.t.c)

  • Weapon Now drops when you kill your self instead of floating in the air.

  • Map name fixed in pre-game.

  • Grass Material changed to instances and is now shared between all foliage (Tree and Grass).



Next up

Hunter AI is complete now.

The basic search, investigate and shoot functions work.

I'll make it better over time, adding newer search methods, checking if the player switches props etc

Read Article for more info :)

Update 0.2.5

Added a Gameplay Modifier, Map changes and Fixed several Bugs

Pixel Raccoon shniff

UI Overhaul

Rounded Corners and added colors to Buttons, sliders and spin boxes.

Which one do you like. Colorful, purple or indigo?

Last pic is the old UI

Working on a gameplay modifier.

I need some suggestions

Edit: Changes & Editions

Another small Update!


I had this cozy office as my wallpaper for a while. I always thought it was AI generated but never really confirmed it until today... and yep, it was made using MidJourney.

So, I decided to remake it in Unreal with a PS1 aesthetic.

I was addicted

Game: Toem

It's free on Epic Games

AI Update

It can now chase the player as well