
Comments (37)

What do you think?


You should fix the Lighting or at least add a gamma setting since the training map is most of the times way to Dark, I really like the Idea with the Prop hunting!

Oh my god, one of the best game modes in a video game is now a standalone game!!

the animations arent the best and when I picked the SMG I got a rocket launcher?? sadly couldn't find a game but a standalone prophunt is really exciting
p.s. hi Jim Pickens

can you make this for mac i really want to plays this

Prophunt is a multiplayer game where there are two teams Hunters and Props.
Props will hide from hunters while hunters will find them.
Props have to survive 6 mins by becoming various objects from the map and blend in with them


Requires 2 players minimum
The game can be played without steam but only offline Lan
STEAM will be required to play online


Public Assets used:

Good sky

Bp wpn component

Fps weapon bundle

Military weapons silver

HQ Residential House

Flyingkitty's Video: Now That's A Lot Of Phil Swift Brain Damage

Note: Game is in early access so expect some glitches and bugs.

#shooter #multiplayer #survival #fps #other #action #singleplayer #survival #3D #FirstPerson #PvP #prophunt #UnrealEngine

Mild Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Mild Language

Update 0.2.6

Size cut, Optimization and small fixes.

Changing the prop mechanics to accomodate the size of the object by using temporary capsule.

Its a bit hard since not all objects are round, and that the character sometimes falls through the floor.

Edit: Found a solution

Update 0.2.5

Added a Gameplay Modifier, Map changes and Fixed several Bugs

UI Overhaul

Rounded Corners and added colors to Buttons, sliders and spin boxes.

Which one do you like. Colorful, purple or indigo?

Last pic is the old UI


Working on a gameplay modifier.

I need some suggestions

Edit: Changes & Editions