Camping With Springtrap
1 year ago

↓ Update V0.18(Pre - Alpha) ↓

Big main menu update, lots of bug fixes and improvements, graphics improved...

V0.18(Pre - Alpha)

Big main menu update, lots of bug fixes and improvements, graphics improved...

New stuff

-Added new main menu windows (layout might change in future updates)

            -Play game


                  -New game

                          -Difficulty select

                  -Load game (Cant save game yet)




                   -Game options




            -Extras menu

-Added a player statistics in the pause menu

-Added a nice looking VHS effect in the main menu

-Added a lens dirt, lens flare and other post-processing effects for the player


-Player can no longer slide when standing still

-Changed the main/pause menu font to an arcade style font

Bug fixes

-Fixed a bug where that the deagle shooting animation would sometimes play before firing bullets

-Fixed the endo hitbox, his attack hitbox could be damaged which made it almost impossible to miss your shots

-Fixed all gun shoot animations, they would whenever the trigger was released and not play the full animation

-Fixed the grenade, its no longer a nuke that kills literally every character in the map for some reason



Next up

Halloween cave is in developement...

#MinecraftBuild This abandoned world with my friends had a village that we nuked, only to rebuilt the village inside of the crater we caused (the nuke was in made creative lol). Our bases were inside of that mountain.


Doraemon Animatronic

#GJAsks the master chief is my favorite gaming mascot. I wouldve chosen doomguy but halo is a big part of my childhood and I just love these games!

Devlog (September 2024): What the game is coming to.

The endo AI is almost done, which is also the base AI of Freddy so making freddy wont take long. We're also replacing freddy's shotgun with a one-handed one because why the hell not!

The upcoming update will add some interesting stuff...

Our game has been under developement for more than a year and a half??