Virus Bloke 2: The Fall of Microsoft
10 years ago

UPDATE v1.1.0

Virus Bloke 2 has now reached version 1.1.0!

After a long time, I decided to make a few more changes to the game that I’ve been wanting to do. Hopefully all works fine, but please let me know if you run into any problems with playing the new version. I’ll keep the old v1.0.1 uploaded too, just in case.

Unfortunately, a lot of the bigger stuff that I want to do isn’t implemented yet (eg, adding the option for in-game cutscenes in case the animated movie ones don’t work for some people), but here’s the patch notes for this version:

  • Fixed rare bug where you would die upon entering the Desert.

  • Made the path to the Flame Lord slightly easier.

  • When you reach the end of the first screen of the path to the Flame Lord, made a portal appear back at the start of the path, so you can teleport half-way if you want to return later.

  • Lowered requirements to craft the Laser Gun.

  • Made the weapons of <something>ness unsellable (Sword of Virusness, etc)

  • Made the PoPSword have a chance to Infect enemies.

  • Made changes to some dialogue.

  • Fixed bug with X-Treme Hover Boarding mini-game.

  • Made it possible to get Thunder Mic. later in the game if missed earlier.

  • Made it possible to buy some materials from Holo-Ivis.

  • Made the Half-World labyrinth completely safe after you defeat the boss of that world.

  • Made you start with 10 Basement Keys for the Munkee side-quest instead of 4.

  • Fixed bug with Snow Lv.X boss music not changing back to default after battle.

  • Fixed description of skill(s).

  • Added direction indicators to the alien chase sequence (on the space ship), to make it not trial and error.

  • Added mini-map to the Desert, so that it’s not all about wandering aimlessly.

  • Shortened the cheat code input to 4 digits instead of 6.

  • Reduced file sizes of many sound effects.

If you are using Windows 8 (or maybe other recent versions of Windows) and the game crashes on start up (specifically a DDERR_UNSUPPORTED error), I had that problem too. I run Windows 8 64bit, but I managed to get it working by changing the RPG_RT.exe file’s Properties to run in compatibility mode for Windows XP (Service Pack 3). Other modes might work too, but that one did for me.

So if you decide to return to Virus Bloke 2, or even to play it for the first time, I hope you enjoy!

Thanks for all the love and support you’ve been showing with this and my other games over the years!
Game on, folks!



Next up

A Taste of Adventure goes "HD"!

Aug 2023 - Map 3 Completed!

Virus Bloke 2 - Expanded Mank MOD ~ Now Available!

Virus Bloke 2 - Expanded Mank MOD [v1.1.1]

The BIG v2.0 is here!

Sept-Oct 2023 - Map 4 almost done!


i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

Been working lately on lots of 'behind-the-scenes' boring stuff that no one really cares about, so here’s a guy playing the sax for some reason.
