2 months ago

Update - Why I've Been Inactive On This

Hey guys. It's Sil here again. I just want to apologise for the lack of activity on this project. I've been so caught up with finishing my second year pursuing a degree, trying to keep my family stable, finishing up what I started before (Sil's Collection of Things among other stuff like challenges on YouTube)... the list just goes on.

I haven't really set aside time to work on this since earlier this year, and I'm sorry for not keeping you updated about where I have been or what plans I had for this. This is a huge project that I'm super passionate about and I cannot stress enough how much this project means to me. I know so many people are worried about this being cancelled... but don't worry, it's not going anywhere.

Hopefully soon, I can post more updates to my channel (which is where all of my progress is being logged):

Since I am no longer working on Sil's Collection of Things, and I want to get this done before I move on to other things like the Siblings Redemption reboot, I hope that this project will go further in the upcoming weeks.

On that note, I have a week-long vacation coming up, followed by 12 days of being at home before going away again for another 5 days. And a little over a month after that, I start my final year of further education, which will no doubt take up some of my time.

I have no set release period for this project as I want to keep it as high a quality as possible rather than rush it and ship out something that's hardly usable at all. I do hope you understand my wishes and that I will not tolerate any belligerence - otherwise I will make sure that this project gets delayed.

I do want to finish it, and I really don't want to leave you guys in the dark for too long. Just know that I do want to finish it. I do not wish to cancel it.



Next up

It's coming...

Just a little bit more

People have been asking me for the sprites to make their thumbnails so here you go

"how do you turn yellow in this game if you did genocide"


The Update of Dread, version 1.2, is finally here!

Coming to V1.6

Here is the concept art I have created for the entire experience as of June 5, 2023.

Angry Sans progress

We're back in business.

Also viewable on YouTube: