Q: What exactly is Hello, Neighbor! Reborn?
A: Hello, Neighbor! Reborn is a fangame developed by me, BonnieFan69 (or just BonnieFan). It aims to recreate the original concept for hello neighbor before it became a cartoony platforming/puzzle game. HN Reborn is not a remake of the pre-alpha, nor a remake of any other version for that matter. It is what I believe hello neighbor could've been before it took a nose dive. The game is still in very early development, so don't be surprised if things change. Eventually I want the game to be a full version of the hello neighbor that was promised during the kickstarter days.
Q: Will there be acts/chapters?
A: As of now, I'm not sure. All I can say for certain is the pre-alpha house will be the main one.
Q: Will you do a remake of any other alphas?
A: No. HN Reborn is my main project and will probably be my only hello neighbor fangame as the goals I have for it are quite high. If you want a remake of (or a completed) alpha 1 or 2, there are several other fangames that accomplish that goal.
Q: Will you add moving furniture?
A: Furniture dragging will be experimented with, but may not make it into the full release due to it potentially being hard to balance
Q: Will you add the ability to holster items by pressing TAB?
A: I'd love to, but coding this is a lot harder than it seems. It may be added eventually, but for the foreseeable future, no.
Q: Will you add the neighbor jumping out windows with the prototype animation?
A: No. At least not in gameplay. The animation is way too long and too slow to work with the high energy high pressure chases, as well as needing to be basically scripted in order for it to function right.
Q: When is the full game coming out?
A: Can't say for sure, probably not for quite some time though. Developing a game is a time consuming process lol
Q: What will be in the basement?
A: If I told you that, there wouldn't be a point to the game
Q: Will you add (this feature)?
A: Maybe, if it fits what my game is going for. A complete version of the original visions for hello neighbor. If it's an idea taken from any other fangame or something too far away from that original concept, then no.
Q: Will you make ue tutorials?
A: Sorry, but no, not for now. I'm still a beginner myself and I am not nearly experienced enough to make tutorials
Q: Will you make the neighbor hear thrown items like in the hn pre-alpha?
A: Eventually, yes. An early system for this does exist ingame, although it is unused and pretty buggy. So it may not return for some time
Q: Will you add house variations? A: In a way yes, but not in the way they appear in the hn pre-alpha. technically the house does change stuff around, but usually to block off a door or to slow you down (ie the table in the hallway and the stereo system). More objects being moved around though will be added as the house expands, as well as potential room variants
Q: Mobile Port?
A: No.
Q: Will you add custom idle tasks?
A: I've already added a few new ones using unused animations. For any other new/custom tasks though, I'd have to learn to animate, so as far as those go, not yet. This includes most animations from promo images, as those animations are NOT leftover in the game, meaning they'd have to be made from scratch.
Q: Will you add the chase themes from alpha 1?
A: No, in my opinion they don't work as chase themes. They may be repurposed though
Q: Will you replace the pre-alpha man with nicky?
A: As of now probably not.
Q: Can I help work on the game?
A: Sorry, but no. I'm not looking for any other developers currently.
Q: Can I be a playtester?
A: When more builds of the game come out, I may release playtester applications.
Q: Can you help me with my game?
A: I'll be happy to help where I can with advice or guidence, but I will not be able to help develop your game. I'm pretty busy and I just don't have time to dedicate to other people's projects.