Hello people!
Here are some news on the 0.5 update
Implementing the logger took a much longer amount of time than I first anticipated, but it’s now finished so I can proceed to working on other features.
The story have expanded slightly as for now, but will expand even more over the next weeks.
Here’s what WILL be/IS included in the game as it is right now.
v0.5.0 ALPHA
New features
Finished the new log generator mentioned in the 0.4.1 changelog. It has been integrated inside the code. (This is why some game script files has had their size almost doubled)
Vastly larger storyline, and story branches, sidetracks and more.
Random story events, random deaths (All based on the magical number system) - you no longer ALWAYS die when you:
Sprint down the stairs
Run to work
Shake the coffee and vending machine at work
And much more
Remember, since it’s based on a static magical number, you can try and reload the save with a different magical number if you fail.
New error code (04b)
Added debug mode
Added more easter eggs
Added an option in the configuration file (data\config.cfg) where you can enable/disable easter eggs
Fixed grammar in some places
Fixed the “bad breath” message appearing regardlessly of the player brushed his teeth or not
Fixed a bug that on rare occasions could cause the player to experience an unexpected game halt
Fixed a bug that caused the game to generate a completely useless file. Issue reported by “jallabama” (Thanks c: )
Fixed an issue with the webSav.tempsav remaining undeleted, causing errors.
The magical number changer now prevents you from entering invalud numbers.
When opening a save from an older version, you’ll now have a choice wether to continue loading or load another save.
Small additions to the Readme
Slightly changed Readme layout
Improved Launcher code decreasing the chance of script crashes
Added a network tester to override the authenticWeb setting if there is no internet connection
Small tweaks in the Launch.exe file (data\ExeLaunch_source.bat) (upgraded from v1.1.0.1 to v1.2.0.0)
Revised the 05 error code
Launcher now displays title
The referencing system using NDScom files is being removed and replaced with better variable managing. When this is complete, it will result in less bugs and crashes.
Removed the code that created a webSav.temp file in the Saves folder. It is no longer needed because of improved game saving and loading.
Made configuration editing more user-friendly (A “Change settings” choice will be included in the game menu later)
New feedback and reporting email adress:
[email protected]
That’s it for now c: