Normal Day Simulator
10 years ago

v0.5 Progress update #2

Hello people!

Here are some news on the 0.5 update


Implementing the logger took a much longer amount of time than I first anticipated, but it’s now finished so I can proceed to working on other features.


The story have expanded slightly as for now, but will expand even more over the next weeks.


Here’s what WILL be/IS included in the game as it is right now.

v0.5.0 ALPHA

  • New features

    • Finished the new log generator mentioned in the 0.4.1 changelog. It has been integrated inside the code. (This is why some game script files has had their size almost doubled)

    • Vastly larger storyline, and story branches, sidetracks and more.

    • Random story events, random deaths (All based on the magical number system) - you no longer ALWAYS die when you:

      • Sprint down the stairs

      • Run to work

      • Shake the coffee and vending machine at work

      • And much more

      Remember, since it’s based on a static magical number, you can try and reload the save with a different magical number if you fail.

    • New error code (04b)

    • Added debug mode

    • Added more easter eggs

    • Added an option in the configuration file (data\config.cfg) where you can enable/disable easter eggs

  • Fixes

    • Fixed grammar in some places

    • Fixed the “bad breath” message appearing regardlessly of the player brushed his teeth or not

    • Fixed a bug that on rare occasions could cause the player to experience an unexpected game halt

    • Fixed a bug that caused the game to generate a completely useless file. Issue reported by “jallabama” (Thanks c: )

    • Fixed an issue with the webSav.tempsav remaining undeleted, causing errors.

  • Improvements

    • The magical number changer now prevents you from entering invalud numbers.

    • When opening a save from an older version, you’ll now have a choice wether to continue loading or load another save.

    • Small additions to the Readme

    • Slightly changed Readme layout

    • Improved Launcher code decreasing the chance of script crashes

    • Added a network tester to override the authenticWeb setting if there is no internet connection

    • Small tweaks in the Launch.exe file (data\ExeLaunch_source.bat) (upgraded from v1.1.0.1 to v1.2.0.0)

    • Revised the 05 error code

    • Launcher now displays title

    • The referencing system using NDScom files is being removed and replaced with better variable managing. When this is complete, it will result in less bugs and crashes.

    • Removed the code that created a webSav.temp file in the Saves folder. It is no longer needed because of improved game saving and loading.

    • Made configuration editing more user-friendly (A “Change settings” choice will be included in the game menu later)

  • Other

That’s it for now c:




Next up

Have a good Boi

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OK, this starts to be too tricky puzzle already :D

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A 1h30 painting, coffee break.

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Among us_into Madness

Sonic The Hedgehog style Super Smash Bros 4 Pixel art Gif.