Five Nights At Wario's Rise Of The Corruption MLS Edition

5 months ago

v2.0 Update Released, Have Fun!

If you already played the game before then the save file will carry over to this version, the new changes are listed below (SPOILERS)

(Spoilers Below)

- W A R P E D U N I V E R S E -

Night 5 Rooms are in all-out mode

All graphics (except Sewers) updated

MLS now acts differently in Bedroom 1

MLS' tip in Bedroom 1 updated

In Laundry, MLS and Taka retreat completely after dealing with one of them

In Hallway, MLS is easier to deal with, but Priest is now faster

Flashing in Attic is faster

Sewers Ambiance is much quieter

Broken static is different

- T I M E U N I V E R S E -

Moving Around is much faster

Switching between worlds is much faster

Every character moves and attacks much faster

Radio music is slightly lowered

Night 3 and 4 AI's are slightly nerfed

You can no longer change AI's for other challenges

Fixed a little error with the Red characters in challenges roulette for challenge 5

- C H A O S U N I V E R S E -

Time Trial Removed

Arcade Trial Completely Redone

Maze Trial now has 3 different types of mazes

Movement in the overworld is much faster

Mods Chat in the main application doesn't break the game anymore

Removed fake information text part in fangame trial section 5

Fixed a few grammar and spelling errors

Fixed a few texts going over the textbox

Fixed the incorrect pitch for Jetziel's voice when starting and completing his trial

Shopkeeper now has extra dialogues based on coins

Fixed the incorrect orange text for Old Games Trial Section 3

The difference in the twisted trial for both difficulties is easier

Hitbox on Twitter Zone mainland area changed

After beating Virus Justin, the replay text appears AFTER Virus Justin disappears

The person talking in Twisted Trial may or may not show up now

Updated FNAWFAN's OC

- O T H E R S T U F F -

Added a special secret in extras if you completed everything

Menu colors are updated and get changed depending on which section you are on

You can press spacebar on the game over screen to get to the main menu faster

Faster transitions between gameplay and cutscenes

In extras, 2 things in other stuff removed, 1 new thing in other stuff

Meteors on the main menu fall more randomly



Next up

ROTCMLSE Chaos Universe No Context

Surprise! Return To The Factory 2 MLS Edition The Nightmare House is getting a 2.0 update, new thumbnail and screenshots added on the gamepage, also Merry Christmas too!

Very well then... let's see what fate decides for them...

The massive Five Nights at Wario's Direct will premiere this monday!! More info in the image attached <3 Spread the word!

The game is currently on beta testing phase so there's not much to say, anyways here is a preview of how @Priest189 felt when playing ROTC MLS Edition chaos universe on hard mode

Image by @TheToastBunny_Productions


Also, read this article for more info! ↓↓↓

#fnaw #fangame #fnaf

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