4 months ago



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A long time ago, I planned to make a horror game called "Hide and Seek".

The protagonist would've been a weeb whose "waifu" manifests in the real world to avenge the anime girls he had put in jars.

And this was a concept drawing of the "waifu"

@Stardust_2114 take a look at this.

I couldn’t think of any poems to write recently.

Fuck you soder.

#GJAsks Homebrewed Nintendo 2ds/3ds XL.

It has a lot of raw, unrestricted power. And I just love tapping into that potential as much as possible.

Took me a while to figure out that this service is basically just 4chan without the option of posting images.

I'm gonna put BrownWool in Initium Browser with the new name "Amber".

Okay, so I kinda forgot about that poem challenge I set for myself…

But I HAVE been writing poems. In the article is one I’ve written just now.

Im only human after all

Made my first piece of Frutiger Aero art. Is it good?