Hello Everyone! I'm back to upload the final update I've wanted to push out for this thing!
As the title says, I've added another option for playing the game. This takes its presence in the "Adventure" mode option, where it'll start you off with a random party of 8, and your random attack pool is limited to the moves of your 8 party members. This mode is also where I've pushed the challengers to, so you can fight them and beat 'em up and steal their moves to add to your pool if you so choose.
As far as for what the "Fixed Party" mode entails to, that's basically what the game was before this update, except no challengers trying to fight you. Them being non-existent/unimportant previously is why I thought up and decided to make Adventure Mode.
That pretty much covers it. Tweaks were done here and there, namely to the challengers, but I've done enough dwelling, enjoy! :)