7 years ago

VOID_r Progress #4 - Visitors.

Hello everyone!

Today i wanted to announce some stuff i’ve been working on, for example: The Portal room!


Here’s how it looks right now. That thing in the middle is the Portal and there are empty batteries around it (also please excuse the weird black borders. It works fine ingame but when i took the screenshot they appeared).

But why would i go there?

Well, you will need to fill the batteries after getting the needed VE, but until then you will be able to search for different secrets (small Trophy related spoiler:

There is a Trophy for entering the room and 2 for finding both secrets)


Text before missions:


There will be text before every mission about the story and the objective.
For now there’s only the Prologue.



3 missions are done. They all have different objectives and work in various ways. The first one is a short tutorial.

Okay, that’s it for now. Have a good day/evening.



Next up

VOID_r Update 1.1.5 - Challenge the Void

VOID_r Release informations (Hype)

VOID_r Progress #14 - Before the release.

VOID_r Now Available!

*Beep Beep* ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Hype train is coming…


It's working! (Update in 2 days, more info on Twitter)

VOID_r Update 1.0.5 - Custom Difficulty + Tweaks!

VOID_r Update 1.2.0 - The End

VOID_r Update 1.0.8 - In Fear of the Void