
7 years ago

VOID_r Progress #5 - Soundtrack and some small stuff.

(No screenshots today because didn’t know what should i show)

Hello everyone!

Today i will tell you about the VOID_r Soundtrack and some minor stuff i’ve been working on!

About Soundtrack:

Yesterday i got an information from TheViper00 about the soundtrack. If he finds some free time, we can expect up to 10 VOID_r tracks on Saturday!
After i get any additional info, i’ll be sure to let you know!

Other stuff:

Lately i’ve been working on small things, like rewriting some parts of the Codex, improving the loading system, saving users settings etc. Nothing major and really interesting, but i had to finally do that stuff.

Next Devlog:

Next Devlog is probably going to be published on Saturday after i get my hands on the Soundtrack!

Stuff left to do:

  • All story missions

  • Bosses

  • At least 1 more enemy type

  • Codex info for all enemies, etc.

  • Soundtrack

  • GameJolt API Implementation

  • Bugfixes

  • Cleaning up code

Okay, that’s it for now! Have a nice day/evening!



Next up

VOID_r Update 1.1.5 - Challenge the Void

VOID_r Update 1.0.5 - Custom Difficulty + Tweaks!

*Beep Beep* ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Hype train is coming…


VOID_r Update 1.2.0 - The End

It's working! (Update in 2 days, more info on Twitter)

VOID_r Update 1.0.8 - In Fear of the Void

VOID_r Release informations (Hype)

VOID_r Now Available!

VOID_r Progress #14 - Before the release.