7 years ago

VOID_r Progress #6 Soundtrack info and Game Jolt API

Hello everyone!

A very short devlog today, just wanted to say that 3 tracks for the Soundtrack are done and i will get the rest tomorrow! (Thanks TheViper00!)

Game Jolt API:

I’ve (finally) included Game Jolt API into VOID_r! More info later, for now here are some screenshots:


(Main menu might change before the game’s release)

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Next up

It's working! (Update in 2 days, more info on Twitter)

*Beep Beep* ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Hype train is coming…

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VOID_r Update 1.0.5 - Custom Difficulty + Tweaks!

VOID_r Progress #14 - Before the release.

VOID_r Update 1.2.0 - The End

VOID_r Now Available!


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VOID_r Release informations (Hype)