3 days ago

Was unpacking and forgot I bought this years ago also Lexi’s getting settled in the new house

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Next up

Finished making the miniature engine trio as cats! Let me know which you like best and if I should host a MAP of these three bc I’ve been considering doing so

#TTTE #MikeTTTE #BertTTTE #RexTTTE #MiniatureEngineTrio #SLOTLT #CatArt

i love this template so much

i fangirled over this man so hard i started coughing

Let's gooo!

One more trophy to the collection!

(And yes I'm not dead yet)

Finished TUGS last night. Also I graduate middle school tomorrow. Time for a whole new hell in high school

Missed this little Floof Ball while we were away & it seems Gingerbread has missed me too! She's all snuggled up on my lap

watched sodor dark times and

Be aware of who you approach

Half the way there!!!!!!

i found this little shit in my house gtfo bruh go back to ronno or smth with yo goddamn 08 project cuh