How’s it going, everyone? It might be 1 AM here in Sweden, but the grind doesn’t stop.
We’ve got the news, and it’s big… Let’s not waste any time and talk about the next upcoming JKR update! Listen up!
The “Upgrade Update” comes out tomorrow!

I know we’ve teased this for a little bit now, but Version 1.2.0 of JKR, the so-called “Upgrades Update” is coming out tomorrow! It introduces a new gameplay element that we originally wanted to implement, but couldn’t due to time restraints.
Upgrades are a thing now! Certain statistics in the game can be upgraded using Upgrade Points, which you can acquire by picking up “Uplinks” spread around each game level. You might’ve seen a few of them lying around in Level 1-4… 😉
Here’s a little preview of the system in place. Let us know if you have any further Upgrade ideas that you want us to implement!
Thanks for the bug reports and feedback😀

Whoops, we’re chilling in the Elevator shaft…
Another thing you’re getting from this update is a HECK of a bunch of bug fixes and adjustments. I just want to thank everyone who has submitted any sort of bug report or given feedback about the game since it started to blow up on Itch! All of it has been incredibly helpful, and I just want to point out 2 of the more popular issues that are being resolved with this next update and in later hotfixes.
The Elevator Bug: This was a huge one. It tends to occur because of the elevator not properly communicating with the game's physics engine. As such, the movement in the elevator was jittery, and if a player's framerate was low enough, they could potentially clip through the elevator floor, getting softlocked in the Elevator shaft. This has been resolved in this next update, don’t worry! 👍
Objects obstructing the player's vision: This is something we tried to resolve before, but found visual glitches with those solutions that couldn’t be fixed in time. There will be a hotfix soon that adds some improvements to the Pickup system in general, including making objects slightly transparent so that players can see what is going on behind the picked-up object. 👌
We’re submitting to the Swedish Game Awards… Best of luck to us!

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With this next update, we’re finally taking the leap. After the pretty good success we got in the LBS Game Awards, we’re going bigger and better…
We are submitting Just Keep Running to the Swedish Game Awards 2023!
We hope that the game performs well enough with the jury to be nominated, and if so, expect me (hi, I’m Victor, creator of the game y’know?) and most of the crew to be there for it all, both the expo and the actual awards show.
Shoutouts to all the content creators for playing our game!
Lastly, we want to give some shoutouts to all content creators who have checked out our game! Here are some of the first ever creators to either stream or upload their gameplay of Just Keep Running to the net.
GonbadGames on Twitch is a fellow game developer who tends to check out games on Itch and give their feedback to them. And my man found the game fun, if a little challenging. You can check them out on Twitch, and here is a link to their gameplay 😀
Enamorator recently published a Let’s Play of our game! I mean, they were expecting to play a more relaxing game perhaps, but they had fun even if they did struggle a little with the puzzles. (take the title of the video as a hint 😂)
Just a friendly reminder that if you like the game or have any useful feedback, drop a review or rating wherever you get the game, or just share the game around! It’s a small gesture, but it does make a huge difference and makes us very giddy no matter if it’s positive or constructive criticism. 😁
We welcome anyone to upload or stream their gameplay of Just Keep Running, and feel free to share that gameplay with us if you so wish!
If you DESPERATELY can’t wait for the update, feel free to check out Version 1.1.2 right here! You can also follow us on our socials!