5 months ago

Well FNAF fans and Angry Birds Fans, guess what I'd found in my old Archives that I've been storing inside of my old High School backpack for like 6 years of today here in 2024?!?!!! (January 3rd, 2024)

All the way back in August 26th, 2019, during my 9th grade years at high school, I had made my 2nd Parody Character named as "Larr"!! Witch that name is pronounce as in the word "LAIR"!! This parody FNAF/Angry Birds-like Character/Creature/Monster/MASCOT that I'd made was based on my future FNAF fan-made parody games!!! It was of course called, "Five Nights at Jax Justun's 3"!!!

Unlike my 1st Parody Character, which I'll be saving him for next time, this 2nd Parody Character was actually the 1st ever character that I'd used in the most darkest colors as possible!!! That color if of course black!! There's also a few other colors as well!! Like orange, red (which that color's my MOST favorite of all time, a bit of red-orange and gray!!!


Anyways, here's what Larr's SECOND design is like up-close and everything. Oh by the way, this photo of this ACTUAL drawing that I'd made for Larr is actually been taken from my phone!! Don't ask why how I put this photo inside of my LAPTOP. Anyways, as what you see up to is the date that I'd created Larr's second design. It was back on August 26th, 2019!! And for like 5 years later, until 2024 as of today, this 2nd design hasn't really age all that great.

Thankfully, hopefully as of today, I'll be making, revamping and remastering Larr's design for like the 3rd and FINAL time!!! Oh, wait a hot minute!!! Did I had said that this photo that I'd took on my phone was the 2ND DESIGN of Larr? And Did I also said that I'll be remaking Larr's designs for like the FINAL and 3RD TIME!!!?!?!!! Well technically, I also have another design for Larr as well. And I made that FIRST design like a year before this design. Which the 1st design of Larr himself was made back in 2018. But I have no idea when I made during that year alone.


And of course, that FIRST design is like a year older then this 2nd design here!!! I was also going to not only take a photo of it on my phone, but also putting it onto my Omen Laptop and then showing it you guys. But however, I have like NO idea or no clues on where it is.

The design of Larr's FIRST designs and Models were also inside of another colored folder and which was inside from a different backpack which I had been using for like WAY TOO LONG at that point of time!! But hey, what can you do, huh? Guess I'll probably find it later on. I guess. But hey, as for Larr's design, and I mean this 2nd one here, I had added arms for Larr so he could have more character inside of him. And of course, I'd remembered what Larr's first design looks like!!

The original design that I'd for Larr back in 2018 had like NO ARMS at all!!! And it looked so ridiculous!! Thankfully though, I've added in the hands and arms onto the 2nd design for Larr and it looked much more better!! Speaking of changes, I'd also changed the tail for Larr's body as well. Because in the original design from 2018, I wanted to make Larr to look like a rattle snake. Kind of like the character that I'd imagined named "Sannnd Clock". Which that character was actually a character that has unused models for Lord Snakehead's first design that I'd imagined. But more on those TWO snake characters later!!!

Anyways, once again, it looked so ridiculous and a bit strange looking, so then I had removed the rattle part of Larr's tail and remade his textures from the ground up!! And of course, Larr looks so much better and cleaner with those changes in mind. As of the 2nd design, Larr had now a normal tail of a non-rattle snake animal and he also has arms and hands so he could grab things!!

Also, do you know why that I'd put the realms and communities for both of the FNAF Universe and the Angry Birds Universe. Well, let me explain more in details!!!


For the Realms and Communities for the Angry Birds Universe:

So, for nearly like years and years by now, which this app game of series is like 16 years old as of today, I was like a MASSIVE fan of the Angry Birds series!! And this series alone had so many games and spin-offs!!! Kind of like Angry Birds Rio, Angry Birds Star Wars 1 and 2 (plus Star Wars Rebels), Angry Birds Seasons, the Original/FIRST game of course, Angry Birds Evolution, and many more!!

So, since then, I'd decided to create a parody/fantasyland-like creature based on my imaginations!! One of them was of course the PIGS!!! Not sure about the Snake par though.....

That's kind of a different story to tell for next time. Anyways, of I'd used the PIG head for Larr's HEAD, and used the Snake parts to use it for the BODY for Larr. So, as for a while by now, the Angry Birds series alone had made me created a parody-like creature based on this parody-like mascot/character/creature alone. There's also TWO more characters that I'd model based on the inspiration of this app game series. But that'll be explain more in details later on!!!


For the Realms and Communities for the FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's) Universe:

So yeah, you all may thoughted about Larr become also the part of the FNAF fan-made game universe as well. So, let me break it down for all of you in those realms and Communities only. So, like I'd said before with the people from the Angry Birds realms/communities, Larr was inspired from this game series alone as well!!! However though, Larr was once again the 2nd Parody Character that I'd made so far!!

And why put him inside of my FUTURE FNAF fan-games you may ask? Well, this part of this inspiration of this 2nd character alone was actually taken from other FNAF fan-made games. Like both of the "Five Nights at Smudger's Series" and the "Five Nights at Wario's Series" as well!!

First off is for the FNatW's series. Ever since those characters in their weren't actually actual animatronics, I've made Larr into of course, a character that was a monster!!! And that's where the FNatS's series is where that is at!!! So, in the FNatS's series, since Smudger has powers of some kind, I had gave powers to Larr as well!! Which are invincibility and healing factors. Which that second power alone might taken from different inspiration from a movie. Yeah!!


Anyways, there you all have it folks!!! So, hopefully as in of like today and everything, I'll creating and the 3rd and FINAL model for Larr. And of course, stay tuned for many future updates to come!! Anyways, have a nice and safe New Year everybody!! #LarrThe2ndPC!!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!



Next up

Haxx Hustun Studios Boxart #7 (Dark Squid) - Created on: April 2nd, 2024 Morning you guys!!!! Today's June 11th, 2024, and today HT Band Entertainment has given us the #7thHHSboxart from their beloved & positive #7thHTbandMember!!!!!

Haxx Hustun Studios Boxart #8 (Mr. Corallus) - Created on: April 3rd, 2024 Good afternoon everybody!!!! It's June 12th, 2024, and today we have something very new and interesting to show you all!!!!

2022 Parody Character #44 - Drackeya the Postosuchus (Created on: June 13th, 2024) Well my fellow folks, the wait's FINALLY over!!!!! Jax Justun Studios has finally given us our very #1st parody character that's an actual DINOSAUR!!!!!


Check out the @JoeyDrewStudios SHOP and treat yo self to Bendy and the Ink Machine sticker pack, avatar frames and background! https://gamejolt.com/@JoeyDrewStudios/shop

Haxx Hustun Studios Boxart #5 (Soxx Heiste) - Created on March 31st, 2024 "Easter Day!!!" Good afternoon everybody!!!! Today's June 10th, 2024, and today on this summer fun-ness, we have yet another #HHSboxart to show you all!!!!

We just added animated, amphibious collectables by @ErbMaster to the Shop!

Plus, they're joined by our animated Horror and Malibu packs!

Pick them up in the Shop or check the article to learn more. šŸ”½

Haxx Hustun Studios #2ndAndOfficial Logo - (Created on: June 15th, 2024) Afternoon everybody!!!!! After hours and hours of designing and modeling, the time has finally come towards today here on June 15th, 2024, and just in time indeed!!!!!

Napature Science Parody Steam Page #1 (Episode 21) - Created on: May 16th, 2024 Well folks, after months of waiting, we finally the official Parody Steam Page/Boxart for the #21stEpisode of this parody mascot-like horror game!!!!!!

Iā€™m not above mobile game covers šŸ˜‚ Great LIVE stream request by @batat #AngryBirds #WiseDrums

Haxx Hustun Studios Boxart #6 (CatNap) - Created on April 1st, 2024 "April Fools Day of 2024!!!!" WOW!!! WOW!!! AND WOW!!!! I know that today's still June 10th, 2024, but we have something very special for today folks!!!!!