Five Halloween Nights at Jax Justun's was the perfect future game to create based on the timeline in the Jax Justun Studios Universe!! You'll also be seeing more holiday-like FNatJJ's games in the near FUTURE!! Like Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve/Day, Valentine's Day, St. Patrick's Day and so much more!!! Summertime INCLUDED!!
However, since this is a FNAF-like game, this game alone will have many FNAF cameos from many other FNAF fangames. Like "IC Knighty" and "Hacker IC" from the "One Week at IC's" series, "Yellowbear" from "Insanity", "39" and "Plushie 39" from "Five Nights with 39" (I hope I'd said that right), "Mac Tonight" from the "Five Nights with Mac Tonight" series, "Bloollock" from my 2nd FNAF series called "Five Nights at Bloollock's", and all of the animatronic characters from the "CASE Animatronics" series as well.
This game will also have appearances of characters from other places. Like shows, movies, and many other anime stuff from many other online places. Kind of like YouTube. But those names will have to wait for next time. In the meantime, just stay tuned for many FUTURE updates to come okay? Anyways, have a nice day!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!!
OH!! I almost forgot......
This game will have three parts in one game. But again, stay tuned for updates alright? Anyways, have a nice day everyone!!
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