Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Minecraftia

1 year ago

Well the fans and/or people from the FNAF and Minecraft Communities and Realms, it's FINALLY been release at LONG LAST!!!!!

So, early at nighty night time here and today here on Wednesday, January 17th, 2024, the long awaited future FNAF and Minecraft-like Parody fan-made of a FUTURE-like game called "Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Minecraftia"!! YEP!!! 105 FUTURE GAMES later, and we're FINALLY here at very long last!!! So yeah, unlike the 14th FUTURE Fan-made parody game called "Five Nights at Jax Justun's 14: C.A.W. (Crows At War)", this future game right here which is the 17th one like right here is of course a MASSIVE parody game that'll have like Lots and LOTS of content inside of it!!!

So, let me explain in more details then that. So, besides the 15th and 16th future instalment from the MAIN FNatJJ's Future Series, "FNatJJ's14: C.A.W", the game itself splits up into chapters based on each month of the YEAR!!! So for the 14th FNatJJ's game, Chapter One starts on the first month which is August of 2023, then the second chapter takes place on September of 2023, then Chapter Three, which is for TWO months ONLY, which are both October and November of 2023, and the FINAL Chapter (Plus the Secret Chapter) is December of 2023!!!

So yeah, in the 14th FNatJJ's game, Chapter One has August, Chapter Two has September, Chapter Three's both October and November, and Chapter Four and Chapter Five (Secrets) (which yes, that's the name of that 5th and final chapter there) has December!!!

This means also that the 1st chapter has ONE Month, the 2nd chapter has ONE Month also, the 3rd chapter has TWO Months, and then both of the 4th and 5th/secret chapter has only ONE Month!!! Look, I know I didn't have the chance to say that for that 14th FNatJJ's game, so there's the link of that 14th future parody-like FNAF game alone!!!

(Link to the GameJolt Game Page for FNatJJ's14: C.A.W: You may also click on the title itself that purple because it's the link connected to its very own and personal Game Page!! Anyways, as for the Months that'll take place during the Events of the 17th Five Nights at Jax Justun Studios Game, it's kind of a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNG Story to tell of course. And it's kind of an interesting one actually!!!!


For each and single Chapter for "Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Minecraftia" will have only like ONE SINGLE MONTH per Chapter!!! And of course, each Chapter has it's own Name with a specific Name for the MAIN Titles for the 17th FNatJJ's game!!! By the way, here's a link to where the names of each chapter is scene from that past post that I'd uploaded on GameJolt like last year!!

(Here it is:

Also, each Name for each Chapter, apart from the 1st One, might get renamed when time goes on by!!! Anyways, let's begin!!! Anyways, so each Chapter also has an EPISODE as well (with alongside the name for the Episode as well!!!) But first, let me tell you guys each name of each Month for each Chapter that has its own episode!!!

So the the first Chapter that has Episode One in it will take place in January of 2024 (which is or WAS today's month when typing this whole GameJolt Post out), then the month of February from the Year of 2024 will be for the 2nd Chapter that has Episode Two in it, and then March of 2024 will have Chapter Three with Episode Three along with it!!!

So yeah, there's like a lot to take into this massive future FNAF/Minecraft of a Parody-like game here!! And yes, sadly though, I won't able to fit like all of the story and stuff on the description part for the 17th FNatJJ's game here because GameJolt has like a limited amount of space when typing like a bunch paragraphs in like one single of a freaking moment. This kind of happened to me before while I was finishing up the last parts of the story and lore for the 9th or even the 8th instalment(s) for the Five Nights at Jax Justun's Series!!!

Now then, let's move on about telling the Names for the first Chapter which has Episode One included, the story, and all that other stuff as well (based on the Teasers that I'd uploaded of course)!!!!


Episode One: Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Minecraftia - (Chapter One: Revenge of the Minecraft World!!!)


So, after like 105 of FUTURE Parody-like Games from many kinds of generations of like point and click adventures, speed run records, Choose Your Own-like Journeys, and even some raging-ness stuff as well, the highly and anticipated 17th future instalment for the MAIN Five Nights at Jax Justun's Series called "Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Minecraftia" is FINALLY here!!!! We're so sorry for this long waiting time here. Anyways, let's begin.....In Three.....Two......One....................#GOOOOOO!!!!!! For almost like a nearly amount of like 209 plus years of Jax Justun Studios, we here at the main area here at Jax Justun Studios which is called "JJS GameGrear Work Productions" have FINALLY given you guys another parody-like story to be have a returnable appearance from another place that we'd been before like millions of times already!!!!

By the way, this is me talking inside of these paragraphs here on GameJolt!! My name is "Little Phoney" or "LP-3BO" for short!!! I'll be narrator for this story right here for the 17th FNatJJ's game here. Anyways, back to recapping of course. So back in the 14th FNatJJ's game, we had done so many adventures during that time alone. We first returned to familiar places to where our first and ACTUAL adventures that we'd all began back in the 2021s!! These were high schools, and a WAR between Snakes!! But now, we had to face off now against from CROWS, and also Colleges as well!!!

Not only that though, we'd all celebrated the 209th Anniversary Year Event for Jax Justun Studios, we'd then met a brand NEW Bad Guy or Villain of FOES that was in HIS development Phases and Cycles for almost like 209 Years, we'd then met many new dangerous creatures as well from Parodies like Lud-Smokey, Sir Clogsworth, Malilla Spreyer, Taylla Heiste, Reillya Heiste, Neverything the Epic Wubbox from Gold Island and the character that was in his development-ness for like 209 years which is of course, "Lord Crowhead"!! The cousin of Lord Snakehead, and of course, we'd also been going towards inside of many other kinds of places and/or dimensions as well!!!

Such as shows, movies, video games, and many more. These things are of course My Singing Monsters, FNAF or Five Nights at Freddy's, Cartoon Network's Total Drama Island, Barbie and the Dreamhouse Adventures, Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, and of course the Real World and all of its Parody Secrets lurking from all directions and all the right places!!! But now, here in January of 2024, the 17th FNatJJ's game will take you to another place to where how all of our Adventures first began in the year of 2017 or the 2018s to be more specific!!!

This is of course called "The Minecraft World"!! Also known as originally named and known also as "Minecraftia"!!! Once a beloved blocky world of a place that had everything inside of it!! Like ACTUAL modded-like MODS that were created from many Minecraft creators and builders!!! Minecraftia had everything that anyone could imagined upon!! Such as Elemental Creepers Mod, the Weird Mobs Mod, Mo' Creatures, the Lots of/O' Mobs Mod, the Mo Cows Mod, many mods based around TNT, Orespawn, the Bacteria Mod, many mods that includes their own personal items like food, candy, furniture, weapons and other strange objects, mods based on real shows, movies, and video games, and the Dragon Mounts Mod!!!

And of course, the first and EVER moded-like mod that was ever born in Minecraft or Minecraftia which is of course the "Nevermine Mod" or known as also the "Advent of Ascension Mod" that has many contents inside of itself!!! Many Minecraft mods have also their own personal Dimensions, Biomes, and structures as well!!! Like The Twilight Zone, Underground-like Caves, Villages and so much more!! There's also that many Minecraft Mods have also their own personal MOBS that comes with their own personal weapons, drops, health bars, and even their own different personal behaviors!!!!! But more on that later!!!


So yeah, all of that were of course the almost entirety of the story for the first chapter for episode one only!!! I'll be uploading all of that stuff and paraphrasing it a little bit as well on another separate GameJolt Post because I don't THIS POST right here to be super long and everything!! Besides, this post right here's already getting long. So, let's move on!!!

So, as for awhile by now, I'd made a couple of Teaser Posters that I'd made over the past year. Which was back in 2023 of course!!! This was of course during moments when I had a few ups and downs with my family, but I don't REALLY want to talk about it right now!!! Anyways, the past Teaser Creations that I'd made last year in the 2023s were of course, the 1st Teaser Poster called/named the "FNatJJ's 17 Game Teaser #1"!! Which you can all see from up top on this GameJolt Post here only, from the images sections on the FNatJJ's 17 Main Game Page, and even as for the Little Header for the Game itself as well!!! I think that I'd made that first Teaser of this 17th game right here like back around in October of November of like last year and everything.

Then the next ones were actually Character Teaser Posters that I'd made around in November of 2023!!! And I only made like SIX in total!! Which actually one of them, which was the 6th and FINAL Character Teaser Poster was actually made around on the year of 2023 from December!!! And the first Character Teaser Poster actually has LIKE only TWO different Characters in it because I was like, why not!!! Anyways, all SIX of those individual Character Teaser Posters that were from like existing places, more on that in a second, had shown like up to like SEVEN Characters at once!!! FOUR Characters that were all based around inside of a meme-like paradise based around other existing games, TWO Characters that were actually created by me and they were also OC (Original Characters) based on TWO different games, and One Character that's from a Netflix kind of show based upon Aliens, Trolls, Wizards, and Titians!!! However, there's like ONE Character Teaser Poster that I'd forgot to make around that time. Hopefully this year I'll be making it!!

So, the next ones that I'd around in December of 2023 aren't really teaser, but they're just messages that were made from a foundation company called "The Jax Justun Studio's Foundation", I think? Anyways, I made like only THREE of them. Not sure if I'd made more then THREE!! So, the first one talks about the Steam Games and their own dimensions aren't working, the second one is about the past Steam Game Dimensions were all fixed up and the newer ones weren't, and as for the third one, not to sure. All I can say is that it talks about some tragic loss of someone from a family. I didn't want to put those things as for some teasers because they don't really fit in well alongside the stories, chapters, and lore behind everything here in the 17th FNatJJ's game!!!

Oh, and by the way, those THREE fan-made messages that I'd made based on the Jax Justun Studios Foundation Thing were actually parody-like stories that are based around the REAL-LIFE events from me actually getting LITTERALLY hacked, scammed and/or hijacked from some random person based on me having my games on Steam and whatnot. If you all want to learn more about that nonsense, I think some past posts might be the ones that'll talk about that story in the first place with much better details in it!!


Anyways, the next Teaser thing for this 17th FNatJJ's game that I'd created on Oct. 13th, 2023 (again, not sure on these specific dates here), I'd created the Poster that was based on the 209th Anniversary Year Event of Jax Justun Studios!!! Yep!! Since 1814 through 2023, and this future Parody-like business that I'd created and imagined has been around me and the rest of you guys for almost like 2.09 centuries at this point of view here!!!


So here what it looks like. It has only all of the existing characters, also known as all of the Parody Cameo Characters that I'd used and imagined for all of my future creations!!! And look at that you people from the Minecraft Communities and Realms, some of your beloved characters are inside of that poster!! Alongside the FNAF fan-made characters as well!!!

Unfortunately, I didn't had the risks and/or chances to put like ALL of the Parody Cameo Characters inside of that poster because that'll take lots of time to find all of these dudes and creatures, and would also take like lots of time to make this poster here come to life!!! Not only that, the OC creations that I'd made over the past 2 or 3 in a half weeks aren't even on that poster here. But hopefully in the future, I'll put them inside of that kind of poster and would also put the remains of the other Cameo Parody Characters that I'd used and imagined for all of my future games, which is this 17th FNatJJ's game here also!!


And last and not the very least, as you can all seen here by now, from like the past days or something, for nearly like the past few weeks here in January of 2024, I'd made the first version of the Banner Poster Shrine that has almost all of the MAIN Parody Mascots from Jax Justun Studios!!! Some of them are related to not only the Five Nights at Freddy's Universe and Fanverse, but also the Minecraft Universe and also the fanverses as well!!

I'd decided to add it to the media section on the 17th FNatJJ's game's page because I wanted to show on how many OC Creations and Cameo Ones that I'd created, designed, imagined and used for all of my future games!!!! And I told myself and everyone else on GameJolt that, I'll be taking a break until Feb. of 2024 to create the rest of OC creatures and my Cameo Ones as well!!! So yeah, that's everything or almost all of the information so far for the highly anticipated future parody game called "Five Nights at Jax Justun's 17: Minecraftia"!!!


It has been a pleasure to give you guys everything about this parody-like Minecraft of an adventure FNAF Horror Title FINALLY seeing here on GameJolt and its own screens alone!!! Sorry if this first post of this game right here was super late to release for today. I originally wanted to post to release more earlier then this, but due some other things that I had to do during this time, I had no other choices to release this post pretty late at night here today on GameJolt!!

Anyways, I'm going to now shave now (if I have those chances to do so), and then I'll THEN eat my dinner that my father gave to me for today!! Anyways, stay tuned for many future updates to come for this MASSIVE future Parody-like of a FNAF and Minecraft game!!! As for now, be safe you guys, Happy Minecrafting, be careful and don't damage any other animatronics and have a nice day!!! #MinecraftMeetsModedMinecraft #AndFiveNightsAtFreddysAsWell!!! #WelcomeToMinecraftia!!! #WelcomeToJaxJustunStudios!!! #LegendsNeverGiveUp!!! #FEDisGoingToReturning #FromTheLivingDead!!!!!!

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FNatJJ's 17: Minecraftia Chap. & Episode FOUR Game Header/Thumbnail (Created on: April 20th, 2024) Afternoon my beloved fans of FNAF, Minecraft, Hazbin Hotel, Helluva Boss, and SCP: Containment Breach!!! How's it going so far!?!?!!!!!

JJS Parody Cameo Bio Poster #3 (For Reuben the Pig) - Created on: February 9th, 2025 WOW!!!!! Another one!?!??!?!!!! Created on the exact same day here!!!!! Didn't expect that I guess!!!!!! Minecraftia Studios had done it again of course by the way!!!!!!!

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Character Teaser Poster #40 (Created on: April 1st, 2024 "April Fools Day!!!!") - Happy April Fools Day of 2024 everybody!!!!! Or should I say, today's the first day of April of 2024 my fans of FNAF, Splatoon, and the SMG4 World!!!!!

Minin' away....I don't know what to mine I'll mine this anyway in this Minecraft day...

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