21 days ago

Welp, time to get use to MS Paint's new layout

which btw, is SO MUCH better.



Next up

Teh End.

Oh hey look color!

okay, I'm tired. goodnight.

Again, whatever this is, have it anyway

New Sonic Design, New Logo and New Video!

Yeah, uhh, have whatever this is.

Chibi Encore Cast.

FNaBFF Chibi! Assets.

Ya know the things I use to uh, make little doodles that I sometimes post.

But they're just blank assests now!

Teh End, the squeal after Part B, also known as Part C.

duuh, this thing yeah.


what? what do you mean it's not Maroon? of course it is stupid!

Honestly, I'm not too upset, I knew this would happen eventually.

Welp, till further notice, all my projects are on hold.

And, uh yeah. See you guys on the other side.

Teh End, Part B I guess.