I get out of my car and the door slams behind me. I don't forget to take my glasses and the gift. I walked up to the house gift in hand. The shadows of the trees follow me. The moon becomes my stalker. I knock on the door. “Tosser? Hey I got something for you ass hat.” The silence is defining. “Hello?” Then the door opened. But it was not the person I expected. I see a tall green lizard. His gold tooth shining from the moonlight. “Alistair? Oh hi, where's Tosser?” As he opened his mouth the smell of alcohol assaulted my nose. “Hey Wendy um Tossers not here. You can come inside and wait for him.” The door opened bigger. I step inside the door shuts behind me. I'm now alone with a drunk Alistair. “Wanna drink?” He said with a chuckle. “Sure.” I put the gift on the coffee table. Covering the walls are pictures of Tosser and Alistair, what a pair. “Do you know when Dante will be back?” He looks into his drink. “Yeah Tosser said he didn't want to cook tonight. So he's off getting some fast food.” I was kinda surprised he remembered Tossers real name is Dante. With how ingratiated he was. “Since you're here. I have been meaning to ask you. Where's Sugar I haven't seen him in a while.” His eyes locked onto me. “He didn't make quota. He'll be back sometime in the coming weeks.” He said with a smile. “What? You sold him in the club?” I say with anger jumping out of my seat. He shrugged his shoulders. It was clear he didn't care. I saw blood on his hand. I didn't notice before but now it's obvious shining in the moonlight. “What happened to your hand Alistair?” He looked at his hand. He licks off the blood. "I think that's blood with a hint of glass bottle.” A sick joke that only he found funny. “Did you hurt Dante?” He drops his glass of liquor. “How fucking dare you Wendy. How would you appreciate me coming to your home and asking you if you hit Razzie. I would never. And if I did I would have killed myself already.” His screaming stopped. He walked onto the balcony, new bottle in hand. I followed him. “Alistair, we have been friends since the day we met in college. You're my best friend and you were the best man at my wedding. I love you Al I really do. You have been there for me and I have done the same for you.” I hug Alistair. He's clearly taken a back from the gesture. “But I know you love Dante and he loves you. But if you ever actually hurt him. I will kill you.” I hug tightly. I remove myself from the embrace. And begin to leave. “Don't ya want to wait for Tosser to come back?” I can practically hear the smile on his drunken face. “No, just tell him I stopped by with a present. Besides, he's only getting take out for two.”
9 months ago
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Zelvox - What do we name it though?
That's just our Nibble
Silent Glow - Unitas (OC)
Drawn on Krita, streamed the process on Discord for all 2 of my closest friends (but only one came)
Consider this the rare art drop of the month and my attempt at redemption after I drew this one: https://gamejolt.com/p/silent-contemplation-subject-unitas-oc-kr…
The In Flame Bar
Redesigned myself?
Meer Zelvox and Nibble get used to them you'll be with them all month
Was bored during RE class
#art #traditionalart #sketch #doodle #fanart #pizzatower #silly #funny #goofy
Sharp eye