Star Story
6 years ago

What does Wendicka's voice sound like?

I have been considering this for quite awhile now. Once Sixty-Three Fires of Lung is complete, I do have plans to redo both “The Secrets of Dyrt” and “Star Story” in order to get both games working on a new improved platform, which could also offer easier support for Linux.

For Dyrt I am wondering if I should do more there, but that will all be announced in the Devlog of Dyrt once I have more concrete plans.

For Star Story my plan is to keep the game the same as much as technically possible, however I am considering to, once the operation starts, add extra side quests the original game did not have.

Now, I must be honest that I have no clue at all myself what Wendicka’s voice sounds like. Although Wendicka never set foot in the United States before, she officially is a US citizen, so I always pictured her to speak with an American accent. For Crystal I was more conflicted about her English, since she was born in Scotland, but she left the place as an infant never to return again. Would it be natural she speaks with a Scottish accent? Or would she speak with an American accent having spent most of her youth with Wendicka on a space station where US English is the most common language/dialect? For Rolf I already knew he can only be done by somebody who knows how to speak with a very terrible Dutch accent, and for Admiral Johnson all I knew is that she will have a bit of a lower voice being an eldery woman, but one with a lot of authority.

Now the truth is, that I am wondering myself if Star Story’s new version would benefit from having voice actors.

That is why I set up this poll

Yes, I know that Game Jolt Devlogs support their own poll system, but I wanted this poll to stay open for as long as the sixty-three project is still running, and allow people to vote until the operation starts, and Game Jolt polls are limited to 14 days max, and since this is not gonna happen before 2019, 14 days is terribly short, isn’t it.

Now I do need to stress one thing. This is not a promise or anything. I am just asking your opinion on this. Finding voice actors has always been a downright disaster, and with The Fairy Tale REVAMPED I was just lucky I did find some people willing to do it, but to tell the truth, those voice samples are most of all nearly 20 years old and the only “new” ones were the ones in which Hando Stillor is narrating the introduction, which was possible since I voice him myself 20 years ago, and it was not that hard to do that again. Jake and Marrilona were voiced by people I haven’t seen in years.
I am really dependent on finding good and decent voice actors. Of course I can do a few voices myself, no problem, but I don’t wanna do them all and especially not the female voices, for obvious reasons :P
So regardless of the outcome of the poll, it will only happen if I can find decent and dedicated actors for all the roles. (Not to mention that the roles of Sue and Yirl will require very good mastery of both the English and Dutch languages as both do speak both languages fluently and that will show in the story, and Rolf can only be done by a Dutch guy, that’s for sure. All other roles will only require a good mastery of the English language).

One note: Though the text scenario can be put to both English and Dutch at the start of the game, all scenario will only be in English UNLESS the story makes it clear a different language is being spoken scenario-wise.

I am not yet recruiting voice actors though, but I only want you to know I thought this through… ;)




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