Non Solum

15 days ago

What's Non Solum?

2 months ago, I said me and my friend @Odavi2046-2 are making a project.

So, here it is! A FNAF inspired big project where you can see more of it here!

Be sure to follow this game to see more updates!




Next up

I posted a album of my songs I made in a site of music!

you can listen it here:…

I know there's some musics which are not the best thing, but overall, I like the result.

More informations of the main character...

Have a sneek peek of the Main Gameplay!

Remember that some things may change in this.

POPGOES Evergreen - Blake the Badger wallpaper (4K)

Say Cheese!!!

Here's Parts And Service!!!

@Odavi2046-2 made this little teaser for this game for fun!

(The music in background is Come as you are by Nirvana)