7 months ago

What's Your Favorite Game Series? #GJAsks

I have more than one favorite game series. So, I'll give you my top 3 favs.

My Top 3 Favorite Game Series:
Super Mario
The Legend of Zelda



Next up

Who's Your Favorite Video Game Villain? #GJAsks

My favorite video game villain is either King Bowser, Dr. Eggman, or King K. Rool. They're all my favorites.

#bowser #dreggman #kingkrool #sega #nintendo #rare #videogamevillains #favoritevillains


For those who are curious which shrine this is it's the Serutabomac Shrine (The Way Up) located in Hyrule Castle. #zelda #totkshenanigans #totkshorts #zeldashorts #totkfunny

TOTK Shenanigans - Drowning Upwards.

I was using the Ascend ability to get above ground, but ended up ascending in the wrong spot by complete accident and ended up drowning in the muddy swamp water.


Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

Here's my #FanArtFriday drawing.

This was made during the Zelda Splatfest a couple years ago. So, I decided to color it and fix a few minor mistakes on the drawing. It's very hard to draw when drawing on the Nintendo Switch.

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Mario!

Complete the quest and you'll get Coins!

What's Your Favorite Quest in The Knightling's Demo? (post a screenshot)

My favorite part quest from the demo was help fix the water wheels and sliding down the long water bridge. #KnightlingQuest

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

What's The First Game You Ever Beat? #GJAsks

I'm not sure. It's been along time. I think my first game I ever beaten was Super Mario Bros. 3. on NES.