horrible nights
6 days ago

when piskel actually helps to make the game dont look like fnas 1



Next up


change of plans chaps

chap 1 artist will be


also we are also taking off the humor of last game in this one

say goodbye the horn of nulli's

nvm other one week

man at this point i will die of hypothemia anytime doesnt matter whar even if theres no fucking snow

last time

if this dont work

will turn everything in st2d

you know the rules


7 calification for get hired

my late april fools joke will be this game will never get released and get replaced with a tower defense that prob will be cashgrab


the user mentioned above

stan him in shouts


this thing still in devlopment

art stage i guess

just hope that this doesnt end like any game like fnati 4.0

so remaked masacror's desing.

might do poisens next

well i guess

better gonna make the entire game use the ''st2d'' concepct

this can be considered a fnaf fan game now¿

1 person only wanted to be candidacte of being artist

first part of lilyth's ''redemption''

forget of ref

shes the young sister