Also, I drew a dice and Troll Sonic for fun in the screenshot.

Next up
I've been asking for months, although rarely, if someone can support by joining the community:
I ask again, that if anyone can help to gain (below 30) more members in Fierce Forces "Joint Jolt!" community, to finally reach 500...
The DJ's Reappearance ~ New look preview
#FNaSFF #FierceForces #SurrealShowoff #Horror #Fangame #ArtWork #Art
Shadow and Maria having a little stroll
Clon Mrio & Clon Yshi + Godem Snic & Shdow Snic
#BadArtChallenge #FiveNightsAtSonics #FNaS #Horror #Meme #Fanart #ArtWork #Art
For those who don't know, my content is more horror based.
Although sometimes or more rather, often. I mix it with humor as in the case of my Fierce Forces.
However, this is not the case in here, it's only horror.