Believe it or not our absence has not been a result of a halt in development or material. It’s been a long awaited and orchestrated development that has been calculated since we started posting on GameJolt. We absolutely love the community here and are nothing short of ecstatic about this community’s response and continuous support. For the good of the series we have decided to start moving and being more active on other platforms. We first needed time to plan next steps and start accounts on other platforms though.
GameJolt is a small community and we’re hoping we might be able to reach more people elsewhere while still having a semi-active presence on here as well. Once we have more posts on these platforms we will send the links to where we will be posting more and we would appreciate so much if you could give us a shoutout or something to support our little series.
Thank you so much to everyone who’s been following this since the start, you guys mean the world to us and we can’t wait to see you in this next part of our adventure. See y’all real soon!