Nigthmares From Memories (DEAD STATUS)

2 years ago

Why can't the game continue to be developed? And...

Is this the end...?

I'm really sorry that I don't have time for this game because I'm working on other things and because of that I simply can't even start coding the game, I haven't even finished the map, there aren't enough renders, and also there aren't people who decided to voice one of the characters listed, which is VERY frustrating.

And so because of these reasons the game looks dead, but maybe, I'm not sure, but when I will have time I will work on it. And to be honest, I don't know how to make the game's story not boring but interesting, as a game with this style (crooked and ugly) can make a good story, and especially take it seriously, so yeah...

The game is half dead, half alive. But it's just that the live part is starting to, slowly, come over to the side of the dead part...

I hope for your support!



Next up

Friends forever.

NFM models and textures is out now!

I'm back to work and I need help!


Hello world from An Alien!

Rat Race Production Update

Distarta Springtrap.

Game page is out!

''Could someone be at my window?''

My first nightmare animatronic in Cinema 4d!

I mean a fan character.