4 months ago

Ya know what, no one downloaded DR4X AT ALL on here during the last two days, despite the game's freeness, so ill just keep it free for an unspecified chaotically random amount of time.

;) This is a 10 dollar game guys lol



Next up

And second one...

Still free.

Rolled a 13.

It’s still free.

"Assassins, Cults and Fungi Oh My" DR4X Changelog #86 2/18/2024

Complete the "What Game Have You Replayed the Most?" quest and you'll get a Welcome to Game Jolt reward pack!

Oo actually got 4 downloads yesterday. Hope folks like it! Anyway dice time!

Rolled a nat 20. Man i feel like I should do something special for this but I can't come up with anything.

Still. Free. Though.

We have a question and we wanna know: Who's your favorite gaming mascot? Complete the quest and you'll get stickers of Gaming Mascots!

Welp finally rolled a 4.

Game will no longer be feee when I get around to updating it tonight I guess.

Rolled a 6.

That was close.

Still. Free.

This week's #FanArtFriday celebrates Street Fighter!

Complete the quest and you'll get a Street Fighter pack!

Rolled a 12. Still free.