Inspire: A Markiplier Fan Game v 1.4
7 years ago

Yes. Sequel in the works.

Hello, everyone. BlueSpartan107 here to tell you all that yes, a sequel to this game is in the works. I have already begun production and am taking my time with it. So far the first major map has been made and four of the five teams of characters has been formed (Team Mark, Team Jack, Team Wade, and Team Zach [Yes, you play as me in some segments.]) Team Bob is still under construction as my knowledge of Bob’s close gamer friends is limited, so once I know of three other people who would work for Bob’s team his group will be formed and ready to be implemented into the story.

Synopsis: Two years after the release of the game Inspire Zach is hosting a banquet for all of the players, even going as far as to invite the YouTubers who played the game. However before the arrival of Mark and co. the new Inspire Castle is attacked by an evil entity that calls itself Sparta. Zach and a mysterious character hold off Sparta’s forces to allow time for the other players to escape, but they are unable to defeat this new force and retreat.

Meanwhile, when Mark, Jack, Bob, and Wade enter the game they find out about the attack and must go to find the survivors at the specific fallout points. Along the way they discover that some of their friends have been taken over by “The Corruption”, a cancerous infection that mutates a player character into a corrupted being. Fortunately for Mark and co. their powers over Inspiration are able to reverse the Corruption’s effects, helping them recruit their lost friends in the process. As they go through this, Zach travels with the mysterious character who saved his life and a young girl he swears shouldn’t exist in this world. Sparta attempts to have Zach apprehended for his nefarious schemes, and it’s up to Mark, Jack, Bob, and Wade to ensure that the future of Inspire remains bright.

A page for the fan game will be started, where I will attempt to write weekly/bi-weekly progress reports until the release of the game. Anyone following here should follow the page for the sequel (which doesn’t have an official name yet at the time I’m writing this post) to keep updated on its progress. Thank you so much for all of the support from my first game. You are all wonderful people.

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I think the game I played the most is the Mass Effect series; particularly Mass Effect 3. I recall doing more than several playthroughs with my self-insert Shepard a lot, along with several other characters. #VideoGameDay2022

Have a good Boi

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I want to know - what's your favourite quest reward?

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